Yesterday, Nature Conservancy of Canada announced that the charitable land trust was expanding its protection of the Frontenac Arch Biosphere with the recent acquisition of 75 hectares of land. The news is a reminder of how lucky we are to live in this amazing area. In celebration of this good news, here is another in my continuing series of images exploring tiny landscapes from November 2022, this time featuring a tiny cluster of pixie cups nestled within some red-stemmed feather moss. The interaction between the fungus and algae symbionts is shown by little green dots of algae visible on the whitish fungus of the pixie cups.


#biospherereserve #biodiversity #lichensubscribe #mosstodon #fungi #fungus #mycology #natureconnection #naturephotography #macrophotography #Pagan #animism #FungiFriday

Last updated 2 years ago

Happy ! Here in the Frontenac Arch, we are far from seeing any spring flowers. It will be weeks before our endangered Black Rat Snakes emerge from hibernation to mark the new season. However, there have been some beautiful frost flowers recently as we head toward a deep freeze polar vortex of -30C temperatures in the next few days. On these cold, wintry days we thank for warming our hearth!


#imbolc #Brigid #lafheilebride #druidry #wheeloftheyear #biospherereserve #biodiversity #natureconnection #naturephotography #macrophotography #Pagan #animism

Last updated 2 years ago

Here in the Frontenac Arch we got our first storm of this winter with significant snowfall (about 30cm in 12 hours) in the past couple of days. The land is now blanketed in over 40cm of snow. Hidden underneath are mosses and lichens and other beings that were easy to see just a few weeks ago. Last week I shared a view of what looked like a miniature of pixie cups in a photo taken in late November 2022. Here is another view from that same day of a cluster of pixie cups surround by haircap .


#forest #landscape #moss #biospherereserve #biodiversity #lichensubscribe #mosstodon #fungi #fungus #mycology #natureconnection #naturephotography #macrophotography #Pagan #animism #FungiFriday

Last updated 2 years ago

I love the miniature of . This image of a tiny of pixie cups - a type of lichen which is a mutualistic relationship between fungus and algae - was taken less than 200m from my house in the Frontenac Arch... The living world is amazing!!!


#landscapes #nature #forest #biospherereserve #biodiversity #lichensubscribe #mushrooms #mushtodon #fungi #fungus #mycology #natureconnection #naturephotography #macrophotography #Pagan #animism #FungiFriday

Last updated 2 years ago

Had a great winter break with visits and snowy hikes over the past couple of weeks. And no social media. But it's 2023 now and winter has a bit of a grip on the landscape here in the Frontenac Arch for the moment - the lake has finally frozen over in the last couple of days. For on Mastodon, here is an icy view I captured on Jan 13, 2018 of Tiffany Falls, along the in Ancaster, ON.


#biospherereserve #waterfallwednesday #niagaraescarpment #nature #forest #waterfall #natureconnection #naturephotography #landscapephotography #mosstodon #photography #Pagan #animism

Last updated 2 years ago

Nancy Beekeeper · @NancyKorendyke
37 followers · 902 posts · Server

Very interesting conservation history.

Eine sehr interessante Naturschutzgeschichte.

#nationalparks #wilderness #biospherereserve #wildnis #biospharenreservate

Last updated 2 years ago

This is a cute little mushroom from back in Sep 2020 here in Threshold Forest in the Frontenac Arch. Not sure of the identification, but I think it is a ringed twiglet (Tubaria confragosa). Please let me know if you think it is a different species...


#FungiFriday #animism #Pagan #macrophotography #naturephotography #natureconnection #mycology #fungus #fungi #mushtodon #mushrooms #biospherereserve #forest #nature

Last updated 2 years ago

Artecology · @Artecology
49 followers · 20 posts · Server

Good morning from Sandown Bay in the

The bay phoenix awakes and sends a message to the world. β€œ is the Foundation Capital on which all other human made capitals are built and depend.”

#isleofwight #unesco #biospherereserve #NaturalCapital #iwbiosphere #sandownbay #sciencebeach #unescoisland #beach #sunrise #biodiversitycrisis #phoenix #angel #sun #sea #ocean #water #cop15

Last updated 2 years ago

Artecology · @Artecology
49 followers · 20 posts · Server

Good morning from Sandown Bay in the

The bay phoenix awakes and sends a message to the world. β€œ is the Foundation Capital on which all other human made capitals are built and depend.”

#isleofwight #unesco #biospherereserve #NaturalCapital #iwbiosphere #sandownbay #sciencebeach #unescoisland #beach #sunrise #biodiversitycrisis #phoenix #angel #sun #sea #ocean #water #cop15

Last updated 2 years ago

Meet one of the biggest grandmother trees in Threshold Forest; a truly inspiring being! This glorious maple is about 3.5 metres in circumference near the ground and forks into two main trunks about 8 metres up that spiral around each other like a double helix before vaulting up into a massive canopy. Life in the Frontenac Arch! This photo was taken Sep 30, 2022, just before the trees shifted to fall colours.


#biospherereserve #biodiversity #animism #Pagan #naturephotography #natureconnection #thicktrunktuesday #trees #forest #nature

Last updated 2 years ago

Artecology · @Artecology
32 followers · 10 posts · Server
Artecology · @Artecology
13 followers · 4 posts · Server
NigeGeorge · @NigeGeorge
81 followers · 80 posts · Server

Easing my way in to Mastodon. Those are words I never thought I’d say!! Anyway here’s a photo of the place where I live and work. Sandown Bay, .

#biospherereserve #isleofwight

Last updated 2 years ago