This is not #science. Its an abuse of science — #scienceWashing.
Which scientists can we recruit as #biostitutes, today?
It turns out that when #moneyPrinterGoDrr, most scientists go drr too. Funny that. Fix the currency – fix most everything.
#science #scienceWashing #biostitutes #moneyPrinterGoDrr #bitcoinfixesthis #whyBitcoinCore
Did you know people went blind after years of treatment with a drug, after years of that implant, heart problems after years of taking a specific medicines. Even something as basic as #GMSoy and #GMCanola, it took years for them to admit it was #carinogenic.
Those who rang alarm bells were labelled #quacks and #conspiracyTheorists.
There's such a thing as the #revolvingDoor — many kill for cash.
It takes years to prove any medication as safe.
#GMSoy #GMCanola #carinogenic #quacks #conspiracytheorists #revolvingdoor #bigpharma #experimentation #biostitutes #soy
Monsanto/#Bayer to set aside a sum of 2 billion for future victims of the #carcinogenic RoundUp.
For years we knew there was something dangerously wrong with their #RoundUp-laden #soy. We saw it was in everything from #bread, to #chocolate, to #readyMade meals. The #MonsantoPapers revealed that not only did Monsanto know #glyphosate caused #cancer, but they actively setup #darkMoney funds to #coverUp, and deceive that fact with #disinfo.
Where is the prison time?
#carcinogenic #roundup #soy #bread #chocolate #readyMade #monsantopapers #glyphosate #cancer #darkmoney #CoverUp #disinfo #biostitutes #FeedingTheWorld