Interesting linkedin (I know, linkedin *gag*, but it's still interesting) opinion piece about maximizing urban greenery. It doesn't specifically address my curiosity about combining the concepts of #MiyawakiForests and #Bioswales together, but it does delve into each individually.
I'm fascinated by both #MiyawakiForests and #Bioswales. Couldn't these two concepts be combined? I feel like they could augment each other.
Was walking around the rain water drainage lake down my local park and the idea hit me that, with how wide most suburban back streets are in places like #Perth, roadside #bioswales and creek restoration could go hand in hand.
It's always bothered me that often there isn't really any land to available to reconnect & re-establish wetlands in areas built on top of them but this would go far in doing just that.
#ADHD #Antifa #BasicIncome #Bioswales #BLM #BorderCollies #BPD #Cannabis #CatsofMastodon #Compersion #DadJokes #DBT #Debian #Depression #DisposablePerson #DogsofMastodon #Empathy #Equality #ExcessiveHashtags #ExecutiveDisfunction #FBR #GallowsHumor #Humanist #HumanRights #JusticeMatters #LGBTQ+ #LiberalAF #Linux #MaskUp #MentalIllness #MutualAid #NonSequiturs #Persist #Polyamory #ProChoice #Progressive #Puns #Resist #Spaceballs #UBI #USPol #Vaccinated #VoteBlue
#adhd #antifa #basicincome #bioswales #blm #bordercollies #bpd #cannabis #catsofmastodon #compersion #dadjokes #dbt #debian #depression #disposableperson #dogsofmastodon #empathy #equality #excessivehashtags #executivedisfunction #fbr #gallowshumor #humanist #humanrights #justicematters #lgbtq #liberalaf #linux #maskup #mentalillness #mutualaid #nonsequiturs #persist #polyamory #prochoice #progressive #puns #resist #spaceballs #ubi #uspol #vaccinated #voteblue
TIL there are things called #Bioswales and I've actually incorporated them into my landscape without really knowing. Anyhow here's a crappy old song that makes me happy
Enjoying learning about #bioswales. Here are some in San Francisco!
Thank you, I'm loving learning about #bioswales! Just looking at your photos has made me a convert.