@bsmall2 Interesting article but very one-sided. Just visited the #EarthShip #BioTecture site in #Taos. Impressed but realized so much was not talked about. A great idea. Their time has passed. Admitting that there are no new ideas here. Its not scalable. It works best in dry climates.
@dutchbarracuda Just visited the #earthShip #BioTecture location in #Taos. Thinking that their time has passed. It was a good idea at the time. Seems to rely on dry weather, cheap labor, cheap and plentiful land, ignoring lots of issues, assuming buried tires are inert.
I forgot to mention in my introduction that I’m also super into #gardening, #sustainability #earthship #biotecture #foodforests #tarot, #oracles #meditation #reiki and pretty much all #witchy #woowoo stuff 🧹
#gardening #sustainability #earthship #biotecture #foodforests #tarot #Oracles #meditation #reiki #witchy #woowoo