@timbray thanks! Even having worked on some of the timing requirements for the Square Kilometre Array Observatory with respect to software, I did not know a couple of things here… but I’m very glad I was well aware of most of the things in the talk!
#SKAO #SquareKilometreArrayObservatory #Timing #UTC #TAI #BIPM
#SKAO #squarekilometrearrayobservatory #timing #utc #tai #bipm
27th #CGPM adding 4 new #SI #prefixes #Standards, #BIPM, #units https://unitsofmeasurement.github.io/2022/cgpm27.html
#units #bipm #standards #prefixes #si #cgpm
I just read that, in 2019, the definition of the kilogram was redefined in terms of the second (instead of Le Grand K). But I don’t understand how that’s possible. Something to do with Planck’s constant. If anyone can explain how in 1 sentence, I’d appreciate it. #weightsandmeasures #planck #BIPM #metrology
#metrology #bipm #planck #weightsandmeasures
Network-crashing leap seconds to be abandoned by 2035, for at least a century - Enlarge / An astronomical clock in Prague, Czech Republic. (credit: Ge... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1899455 #leapsecondsmearing #leapsecond #science #tech #bipm #ibwm
#ibwm #bipm #tech #science #leapsecond #leapsecondsmearing
Network-crashing leap seconds to be abandoned by 2035, for at least a century https://arstechnica.com/?p=1899455 #leapsecondsmearing #leapsecond #Science #Tech #bipm #ibwm
#Tech #Science #leapsecondsmearing #leapsecond #bipm #ibwm
Einfach die Erdrotation an die Uhrzeit anpassen. (n t)
It's time-out for #leap #seconds - Meeting in Versailles, France, on Friday, the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (#BIPM) has called time-out on "leap seconds"—the little jumps occasionally added to #clocks running on Coordinated Universal Time (#UTC), to keep them in #sync with #Earth's #rotation.
#leap #seconds #bipm #clocks #utc #sync #earth #rotation