Pretty #lonely and #depression. Kids to busy for me, still not over the #divorce. My rent a friend therapist is the only person I really talk to. I’m #bipolar and I feel the drop coming.
#lonely #depression #divorce #bipolar
Today's All Things Bipolar Newsletter is now available
It includes my weekly update and continues the Surviving Bipolar Series.
#speakingbipolar #bipolar #mentallillness #mentalhealthawareness
#speakingbipolar #bipolar #mentallillness #mentalhealthawareness
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Pittsburgh
Come join us for an exciting funded opportunity to explore the cell biology of #bipolar disorder and push the boundaries of imaging!
See the full job description on jobRxiv:
#ScienceJobs #hiring #research #cryo-EM #dopamine #teamtomo #neuroscience #mitoc...
#mitoc #neuroscience #teamtomo #dopamine #Cryo #research #hiring #ScienceJobs #bipolar
New interviews will be out soon! Be sure to follow, rate, and review the show if you're into it!
Apple podcasts:
Official Site:
#Podcast #mentalhealth #disability #psychology #bipolar #depression
#podcast #mentalhealth #disability #psychology #bipolar #depression
In a new article in The Conversation, we talk about problems with the current evidence base for #bipolardisorder treatments, and the need for new approaches. We're also running a survey for those living with #bipolar as part of my PhD; details in the article!
On those days where you don't feel strong enough to face the world, know that the world brought you into existence to be a part of it. Its only in your own mind that your importance is diminished.
Learn to love yourself and know that you are here for a reason. The world is a better place for having you in it.
#mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #bipolar #selflove #selfcare
#mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #bipolar #selflove #selfcare
Somebody told me about a farmer they knew. He was #bipolar and had once bought four large tractors that he could neither use nor afford when he was off his meds.
This brilliant video by Mica, @PonderfulYT, is as clear an explanation as you’ll find of the neurodiversity movement, neurodivergence and neurotypicality, and their relation to disability:
And it’s not just good because Boba tries to steal the show! 😻
#NeurodiversityMovement #neurodiversity #neurodiverse
#neurodivergence #neurodivergent
#neurotypicality #neurotypical
#disability #disabled
#ADHD #anxiety #aphantasia #autism #bipolar #BPD #BrainDisease #BrainInjury #cPTSD #depression #dyscalculia #dyslexia #dyspraxia #hyperphantasia #LearningDisability #OCD #PTSD #SDAM #Tourettes
#NeurodiversityMovement #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergence #neurodivergent #neurotypicality #neurotypical #disability #disabled #adhd #anxiety #aphantasia #autism #bipolar #bpd #braindisease #braininjury #CPTSD #depression #dyscalculia #dyslexia #dyspraxia #hyperphantasia #LearningDisability #OCD #PTSD #SDAM #tourettes
I'm Aryanne and I live in Utrecht NL together with my partner.
I'm a #GrayAce #polyamourous #lesbian #agender #trans #femme.
I transitioned in 2017, my egg started to break years earlier and since then I'm actively seeking out queer spaces.
Being forced to stop with my daytime job I had more time to think about how rotten #capitalism and the #ClimateCrisis are and I became an #anarchist and #ClimateActivist following the principles of #ExtinctionRebellion.
I love my #cat @flippie and post his pictures once in a while.
I like good #food, #photography, #art, #opera and a broad varity of #music.
I used to work as software developer and enterprise architect.
I'm #ActuallyAutistic and #BiPolar and probably #cPTSD and #ADHD.
This combination and the stress the world gave me made me broken beyond repair.
Beginning of this year I made an end of life choice, read more about it here:
I mostly post/interact in English, but sometimes in Dutch.
Due to my #dyslexia I will probably edit my post within minutes and it still might not make any sense 🙃
#Introduction #grayace #polyamourous #lesbian #agender #trans #femme #capitalism #ClimateCrisis #Anarchist #climateactivist #ExtinctionRebellion #Cat #food #photography #art #opera #Music #actuallyautistic #bipolar #cptsd #adhd #dyslexia #xr
A new All Things Bipolar Newsletter is available!
#speakingbipolar #mentalhealth #bipolar
#speakingbipolar #mentalhealth #bipolar
It’s official! On October 20th I will be appearing at Penn State University to speak with students about the nature of bipolar disorder and how it’s possible to live successfully with serious mental illness. Really looking forward to it!
Check out the podcast in the meantime!
Apple Podcasts:
#PennState #university #psychology #disability #podcast #Bipolar
#pennstate #university #psychology #disability #podcast #bipolar
Really hate when I have a #hypomania starts out fine then always turns to agitated buzzing..... #bipolar
Real talk.
#mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #bipolar #selflove #selfcare
#mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #bipolar #selflove #selfcare
#therapy #selfcare #bipolar #ptsd so a big thing I am working on is trying to redirect my ptsd hypervigilance from it's normal RSD-based anxious ruminations and instead have it function as a personal hypervisor to help me monitor my own internal mental network status. Phase one was determining if it was possible and coming up with a list of what I wanted to monitor. I am very happy to announce that with much effort over the past year I have found enough success to continue this effort! 1/2
#therapy #selfcare #bipolar #ptsd
#art #arttherapy #ptsd #bipolar despite decades of NOT doing it when my stress levels reach a point my brains reaction is to suggest I just kill myself. These thoughts are old and like gnats and have evolved from complex plans and fantasies when I was a teen into a highly optimized attack where i just repeatedly see an image of myself doing something terrible and the promise that it can all be over. I can't figure out how to draw that promise part. rough brain night
#art #arttherapy #ptsd #bipolar
Looking up resources and info on how Bipolar disorder effects Black men and all I can see is Kanye West articles
I feel like after my psychotic breaks and alternating between manic and depressive states I got reduced cognitive capacity if that makes sense
I used to be in college for Chemical Engineering and worked in political organizing
Want to go back to school but I don't think I have the ability to be consistent or be able to handle the coursework anymore
Bipolar really ate my brain bleh
I'd rather a handful of good friends then 100's of fake ones that run at the first sign of trouble.
Trust me on this, I have had both.
#mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #bipolar #selflove #selfcare
#mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #bipolar #selflove #selfcare
I haven't found a #bipolar community here yet and I'm really hoping that I will. My bipolar is hard to deal with and often it is a horrific part of my life. In other spaces, my sharing about my mental health has been wonderful in some ways, but has also caused issues from those who are judgemental or in cliques. It isn't one of the acceptable conditions.
This couldn't be more true.