Mikko Heikkinen · @mikkohei13
173 followers · 210 posts · Server mastodo.fi

Map made with code by . Described the data format, and asked "How to highlight areas that have different proportions of breeding statuses, compared to average or adjacent areas?"

The map illustrates that breeding of the Grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus) have been verified with greater certainty in southeastern Finland as opposed to other regions of the country.

from the Finnish bird atlas (lintuatlas.fi).

#chatgpt #opendata #bird #data #birdatlas #finland

Last updated 1 year ago

Martin George · @JannerBirder
59 followers · 812 posts · Server mas.to

RT @GrahamFAppleton@twitter.com

Great to see and @BBS_birds@twitter.com data being used to inform forestry decisions that minimise problems for breeding UK .
First talk in this @_BTO@twitter.com session:
Now for ?

🐦🔗: twitter.com/GrahamFAppleton/st

#shorebirds #ornithology #iceland #waders #birdatlas

Last updated 2 years ago

Ruth Mottram · @Ruth_Mottram
2217 followers · 1813 posts · Server fediscience.org

Ask, and you shall receive: I posted yesterday asking if there was a European equivalent to the of and @piotr_kania refers me to the epic . .
And it's *incredible*

Here for example is the distribution of my blog's namesake the ...


#everybirdcounts #europeanbirdcensuscouncil #arctictern #european #birdatlas #europeanbreeding #ebba2 #ebirdtrends #birdmaps

Last updated 2 years ago