On 06/04/2023 this Green Heron was using bait at Brazos Bend State Park. More luck with video here, as it gently placed an insect in the water & watched it, moving it if it drifted. This one was successful! Pics are frames from my video: http://www.rickubis.com/rick/grn_heron060423.mp4 more herons on my page: http://www.rickubis.com/rick/brazbird6.html #Birds #Heron #Archosaurs #BirdBehavior
#birds #heron #archosaurs #birdbehavior
Eagles of the day: (Our best guess) Mama eagle gets annoyed by one of the kids. She has been sitting on this branch almost all morning, but whenever a teen comes by, they both start yelling and the teen swoops by. As far as I can tell, its just a kid annoying mom, but its pretty neat to watch.
#birdphotography #birdbehavior #baldeagle
Here's a little song sample
#birdwatching #birds #birdbehavior #yellowwarbler #birdsong
The warblers' favorite bathing spot🐤💦💛
Song: "Clean" by Depeche Mode
#BirdVideos #BirdBath #birds #birdwatching #warbler #wilsonswarbler #magnoliawarbler #blackthroatedgreenwarbler #americanredstart #nashvillewarbler #yellowrumpedwarbler #BirdBehavior #SpringMigration #MontroseBirdSanctuary #DepecheMode #NatureVideos #BirdPhotography
#birdphotography #naturevideos #depechemode #montrosebirdsanctuary #springmigration #birdbehavior #YellowRumpedWarbler #nashvillewarbler #americanredstart #blackthroatedgreenwarbler #magnoliawarbler #wilsonswarbler #warbler #birdwatching #birds #birdbath #birdvideos
Where's the Butterbutt? 👀
#YellowRumpedWarbler #warbler #birds #birdnerd #BirdVideos #NatureVideos #nature #birdwatching #birdsong #birdbehavior #BirdPhotography #SpringMigration
#springmigration #birdphotography #birdbehavior #birdsong #birdwatching #nature #naturevideos #birdvideos #birdnerd #birds #warbler #YellowRumpedWarbler
After a long delay in leaving the house, I finally head to the bird sanctuary and was rewarded with 2 Long-eared Owls. Two!
Also, got to witness this little gem of a moment.
[CW: owl pellet regurgitation]
#LongEaredOwl #owl #birds #birdnerd #BirdVideos #pellet #birdwatching #nature #NatureVideos #BirdBehavior #BirdPhotography
#birdphotography #birdbehavior #naturevideos #nature #birdwatching #pellet #birdvideos #birdnerd #birds #owl #longearedowl
Female sex-role reversal of two coucal bird species is apparently linked to elevated testosterone levels. Male sex-role reversal, however, doesn't require low testosterone levels, as a new study by Wolfgang Goymann shows:
#MaxPlanck #MaxPlanckInstitute #ResearchNews #Birds #BirdResearch #Ornithology #AnimalBehavior #SexRoles #BirdBehavior #GenderInNature
#maxplanck #maxplanckinstitute #researchnews #birds #birdresearch #ornithology #animalbehavior #sexroles #birdbehavior #genderinnature
This Yellow-breasted Chat made a lot of birders really happy by bouncing around the bird sanctuary for days near the path, unconcerned by onlookers. Lots of character.
#YellowBreastedChat #birds #birdnerd #birdwatching #nature #birdphotography #birdbehavior #photography
#photography #birdbehavior #birdphotography #nature #birdwatching #birdnerd #birds #yellowbreastedchat
A compilation of a couple of cool things I've seen from Northern Flickers.
The first is an elaborate dance/conversation where I imagine important matters are being discussed. 😉
Next is a Flicker "falling" off a tree and a slow-motion version of the dive. So cool!
Song: "Wild Heart" by Bleachers
#bleachers #northernflicker #birds #birdnerd #birdphotography #birdwatching #birdbehavior #naturephotography #nature #wildlifephotography #naturevideos #wildlifevideos #birdvideos
#birdvideos #wildlifevideos #naturevideos #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #birdbehavior #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdnerd #birds #NorthernFlicker #bleachers
Here are 2 of many #anhingas at Brazos Bend State Park. One in Feb, one in July. Anhingas spear with vigor, but it's harder to get fish off the beak than it was to get it beak into the fish. Why? An array of toothlike barbs on the beak. Video: http://www.rickubis.com/rick/anhinga_beak_070322.mp4 and more anhingas on my page here: https://www.rickubis.com/rick/brazbird3a.html #birds #archosaurs #birdbehavior #wetlands #birdsofmastodon @tetzoo
#anhingas #birds #archosaurs #birdbehavior #wetlands #birdsofmastodon
Hehe it was probably a Rufous-sided Towhee, scratch foraging :) They hop forward and then jump back while dragging their feet, to clear leaves and debris and get at insects and seeds.
Foraging behavior (at 0:34):
aka the Drink-your-tea bird (at 0:19):
Hehe it was probably a Rufous-sided Towhee, scratch foraging :) They hop forward and then jump back while dragging their feet, to clear leaves and debris and get at insects and seeds.
Foraging behavior (at 0:34):
aka the Drink-your-tea bird (at 0:19):
Hehe it was probably a Rufous-sided Towhee, scratch foraging :) They hop forward and then jump back while dragging their feet, to clear leaves and debris and get at insects and seeds.
Foraging behavior (at 0:34):
aka the Drink-your-tea bird (at 0:19):
Hehe it was probably a Rufous-sided Towhee, scratch foraging :) They hop forward and then jump back while dragging their feet, to clear leaves and debris and get at insects and seeds.
Foraging behavior (at 0:34):
aka the Drink-your-tea bird (at 0:19):
I guess I'll try another thread(made by replying to the first one) and see how it works: 11/07/2021 (that's 2021!)* Part 1* At Brazos Bend State Park, Crested Caracara flew in from the North, and landed in a tree on the 40-Acre Lake Trail. 5 minutes later, it took off and flew North. I noticed another Red-Shouldered Hawk perched at the top of a small, bare tree. The images are taken from photos and video clips I shot at the time. The wonderful yellow flowers are probably Swamp Sunflowers. The Caracara returned from the North, so I started shooting video. The Caracara got closer ,then turned while it was overhead, circled back out, turned again. And swerved and flew right at the hawk! It didn't hit the hawk, but passed so close that it could have. This was the start....
This 7-minute video collects my capture of these events. http://www.rickubis.com/rick/caracaras110721.mp4 and more pictures of this event and
others on my carcara page: https://www.rickubis.com/rick/brazbird8b.html
#caracara #raptors #birdbehavior #archosaurs #hawks
#raptors #birdbehavior #archosaurs #hawks #caracara
I'm so happy to see so many bird people* migrating to this platform! Hello, welcome!
*No, I mean that more literally than I think you might first have read it. I mean people into #ornithology and #BirdWatching / #birding and #BirdBehavior and #NativePlants and #BirdPhotography and #parrots and #kakapo and #penguins and #owls ... OK, you get the idea :D
#ornithology #birdwatching #birding #birdbehavior #nativeplants #birdphotography #parrots #kakapo #penguins #owls