@colorfiend @Heather
No idea how often they're used, but they're there :-)
#tailtuesday #furryfriday #birdday
🪷 4 May is #BirdDay: Fierce #Antinomania eBay bidding ensued for this 20cm (8in) bronze statuette identified as #Antinous with lotus crown holding water bird and hero's wreath found in Britain by metal detector. Full description and lots more images: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/02/bronze-statuette-of-antinous-discovered.html 🪷
#birdday #antinomania #antinous
🪷 4 May is #BirdDay: Here we see an Egyptian and his BA soul spirit bird from the #Antinoopolis/#Fayoum Oasis area. Roman-Egyptian tempera-on-linen mummy shroud from the heyday of the city founded by #Hadrian where #Antinous died in the Nile in Egypt in 130 AD. Getty Museum. 🪷
#birdday #antinoopolis #Hadrian #antinous
It’s #BirdDay! So here are some bird etymologies to celebrate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HITkoa7q5J0
#Etymology #Video #WordNerd #Linguistics #Language #Words #HistoricalLinguistics #LingComm #Birds
#birdday #etymology #video #wordnerd #linguistics #language #words #historicallinguistics #lingcomm #birds
#holidays #IntergalacticStarWarsDay, #WorldGiveDay, #WorldPasswordDay, #InternationalRespectForChickensDay, #InternationalFirefightersDay, #NationalDayOfReason, #NationalDayOfPrayer, #NationalCandiedOrangePeelDay, #NationalWeatherObserversDay, #NationalOrangeJuiceDay, #NationalKidsFitnessDay, #KidsInNeedOfDiapersDay, #PetiteAndProudDay, #RelationshipRenewalDay, #AntiBullyingDay, #BirdDay
#holidays #intergalacticstarwarsday #worldgiveday #worldpasswordday #internationalrespectforchickensday #internationalfirefightersday #nationaldayofreason #nationaldayofprayer #nationalcandiedorangepeelday #nationalweatherobserversday #nationalorangejuiceday #nationalkidsfitnessday #kidsinneedofdiapersday #petiteandproudday #relationshiprenewalday #antibullyingday #birdday
#holidays #IntergalacticStarWarsDay, #WorldGiveDay, #WorldPasswordDay, #InternationalRespectForChickensDay, #InternationalFirefightersDay, #NationalDayOfReason, #NationalDayOfPrayer, #NationalCandiedOrangePeelDay, #NationalWeatherObserversDay, #NationalOrangeJuiceDay, #NationalKidsFitnessDay, #KidsInNeedOfDiapersDay, #PetiteAndProudDay, #RelationshipRenewalDay, #AntiBullyingDay, #BirdDay
#holidays #intergalacticstarwarsday #worldgiveday #worldpasswordday #internationalrespectforchickensday #internationalfirefightersday #nationaldayofreason #nationaldayofprayer #nationalcandiedorangepeelday #nationalweatherobserversday #nationalorangejuiceday #nationalkidsfitnessday #kidsinneedofdiapersday #petiteandproudday #relationshiprenewalday #antibullyingday #birdday
To celebrate #BirdDay the need to repost a clip of Kākā coming in to a feed station at Zealandia bird sanctuary is absolutely necessary
#birdday #kaka #birds #zealandia #newzealand
Daily #Hashtags for May
May 1
#InternationalLabourDay #MayDay #MotherGooseDay #SaveTheRhinoDay
May 2
May 3
#PressFreedomDay #WorldAsthmaDay
May 4
#BirdDay #InternationalFirefightersDay #StarWarsDay
May 5
#CartoonistDay #OysterDay #SpaceDay
May 6
#BeverageDay #InternationalNoDietDay #NationalNursesDay
May 7
May 8
#InternationalThalassaemiaDay #VEDay #WorldLaughterDay #WorldRedCrossDay #WorldRedCrescentDay
May 9
May 10
May 11
#EatWhatYouWantDay #NationalTechnologyDay #TwilightZoneDay
May 12
#InternationalNursesDay #LimerickDay
May 13
May 14
#LilacSunday #MothersDay
May 15
May 16
#LoveATreeDay #WearPurpleForPeaceDay
May 17
#WorldHypertensionDay #WorldTelecommunicationDay
May 18
#InternationalMuseumDay #WorldsAIDSVaccineDay
May 19
#NationalBikeToWorkDay #NationalEndangeredSpeciesDay
May 20
May 21
May 22
#InternationalDayForBiologicalDiversity #NationalMaritimeDay #WorldGothDay
May 23
#LuckyPennyDay #WorldTurtleDay
May 24
May 25
#NationalMissingChildrensDay #NationalWineDay
May 26
#DontFryFriday #NationalSorryDay
May 27
#SunScreenDay #NationalReconciliationWeek
May 28
May 29
#LearnAboutCompostingDay #NationalMemorialDay
May 30
May 31
#WorldNoTobaccoDay #WorldOtterDay
#hashtags #internationallabourday #mayday #mothergooseday #savetherhinoday #worldtunaday #PressFreedomDay #WorldAsthmaDay #birdday #internationalfirefightersday #starwarsday #cartoonistday #oysterday #spaceday #beverageday #internationalnodietday #NationalNursesDay #worldathleticsday #internationalthalassaemiaday #VEDay #worldlaughterday #WorldRedCrossDay #worldredcrescentday #nationalteachersday #worldlupusday #eatwhatyouwantday #NationalTechnologyDay #twilightzoneday #InternationalNursesDay #limerickday #leprechaunday #lilacsunday #mothersday #InternationalDayOfFamilies #loveatreeday #wearpurpleforpeaceday #WorldHypertensionDay #worldtelecommunicationday #InternationalMuseumDay #worldsaidsvaccineday #nationalbiketoworkday #nationalendangeredspeciesday #ameliaearhartday #nationalantiterrorismday #internationaldayforbiologicaldiversity #nationalmaritimeday #worldgothday #luckypennyday #worldturtleday #nationalescargotday #nationalmissingchildrensday #nationalwineday #dontfryfriday #nationalsorryday #sunscreenday #nationalreconciliationweek #amnestyinternationalday #learnaboutcompostingday #nationalmemorialday #internationaljazzday #worldnotobaccoday #worldotterday
Northern Cardinal - one of my favorite photos from last year because of my personal association with cardinals as messengers from departed loved ones. #throwbackthursday #NationalBirdDay #BirdDay #naturephotography #birds #FujifilmXT4 #Fujinon70300mm #Connecticut #BirdsofConnecticut
#throwbackthursday #nationalbirdday #birdday #naturephotography #birds #fujifilmxt4 #fujinon70300mm #connecticut #birdsofconnecticut
There is money to be made from compassion, and those who trade in animal lives are aware of it. We’ve pledged not to pay into an industry that exploits and murders animals.
#NationalBirdDay #Veganuary
#BirdDay #Veganuary2023
#nationalbirdday #veganuary #birdday #veganuary2023
Are eggs healthy? The average American consumes about 279 every year, and the average Brit almost 200. But what does the evidence say? 🥚
#NationalBirdDay #Veganuary
#BirdDay #Veganuary2023
#nationalbirdday #veganuary #birdday #veganuary2023
99% of chickens are raised in factory farms but nobody eats those chickens 🤪
#nationalbirdday #veganuary #birdday #veganuary2023
"National Bird Day" gives me a good excuse to post this limerick about an aggrieved roommate:
“I’m sick of your cockatiel’s turds!
Plus it bit me again!” — angry words
From a roommate, unmuffled,
Whose feathers were ruffled.
“I’m moving. Your pet’s for the birds!”
#Bird #Birds #BirdDay #Wildlife #Limericks #Limerick #Pets #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry
#micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #pets #limerick #limericks #wildlife #birdday #birds #bird
Studies now indicate that eating eggs has a harmful impact on your risk of heart disease and increases your chances of dying a premature death 🥚
#NationalBirdDay #Veganuary
#BirdDay #Veganuary2023
#nationalbirdday #veganuary #birdday #veganuary2023
Jan 5: Today is National #Bird Day! http://www.cute-calendar.com/40695 #BirdDay #holiday #event #observance
#bird #birdday #holiday #event #observance
Free-range is a con. There’s no such thing as an ethical egg - Slapping ‘free range’ on a box of eggs simply hides the catalogue of routine horrors that are allowed under this reassuring banner 🥚
#NationalBirdDay #Veganuary
#BirdDay #Veganuary2023
#nationalbirdday #veganuary #birdday #veganuary2023
Human domestication of chickens is one of the most violent chapters in all our history of animal abuse 🥚
#NationalBirdDay #Veganuary
#BirdDay #Veganuary2023
#nationalbirdday #veganuary #birdday #veganuary2023
Another undercover investigation found dead turkeys among living at another farm linked to supermarkets 🦃
#NationalBirdDay #Veganuary
#BirdDay #Veganuary2023
#nationalbirdday #veganuary #birdday #veganuary2023
Industrialized egg production represents one of the most intensive forms of animal agriculture in the world, it is also a slaughter industry 🥚
#nationalbirdday #veganuary #birdday #veganuary2023