Justfolk · @Justfolk
43 followers · 82 posts · Server todon.eu

This fellow is Number Forty-Two on our Kitchen Window List.

(Yes: we have a "List." We didn't used to but it just gradually came into being. Now I feel a competition with myself.)

It's not a very sharp picture but enough to identify him: a Yellow-throated warbler. He showed up for some suet early this morning.

I was half-expecting him. He had been visiting a suet feeder a couple of hundred metres away from us a few days ago. And one of the flickers had chopped up lotsa suet for him from the suet holder above. Those flickers are pigs but the other birds appreciate it.


#birdeating #yellowthroatedwarbler #warblerfarthnortherthanitshouldbeindecembermonth #croppedimage #photography #easternnewfoundland

Last updated 2 years ago