I keep our #birdfeeders stocked with black oil sunflower seeds because all of the birds in our area seem to like them. They typically leave only empty shells on the ground. However, this year there has been a chaos of little yellow birds at our feeders. I was miffed because they leave piles of unshelled seeds on the ground. Then I saw a few ailing and dead yellow birds. Are they starving because they can't open the seeds? I've put out some other bird food to see if that helps.
First feathery customers served with this retro-futuristic grand buffet... #birds #birdfeeders #buildyourownbirdfeeder
#birds #birdfeeders #buildyourownbirdfeeder
No #WhiskerWendsday photos. Just feathers. We fed the birds all winter to help them out. Their numbers have declined sharply in our hood. But they are coming back! #CatTV #TabbyTude #ClassicTabby #BirdFeeders #NorthernCardinal #CatsOfMastodon #CatioLife
#catiolife #catsofmastodon #northerncardinal #birdfeeders #classictabby #tabbytude #cattv #whiskerwendsday
The bird feeder setup as seen through the back door. The camera is solar powered and can be watched live. "Notifications" of activity are stored on an SD card which I can access through my phone or iPad.
#BirdFeeders #Birds
Hear me out.
I’ve got 4 #birdfeeders on my deck, one of which is more realistically a squirrel feeder. There’s a fair amount of traffic throughout the day, and it’s mildly entertaining. But I can’t tell the players and don’t have a scorecard. I’m wondering if somebody makes a miniature paintball gun I can use to mark individual critters to try and keep track of their activity. I can’t see well enough to distinguish individual features, but colors might work. Waddaya think, Mastodon?
Chickadees at my feeder: A whole peanut? What a feast!
Starlings at my feeder: I can gobble down five peanuts in five seconds. And yet I am still empty inside.
The birds seem uninterested that the predicted warmer precipitation turned out to be snow so far this afternoon.
New friend at the feeder yesterday. 🤦 (Note the patient, apparently unsurprised junco waiting eir turn from the to mof the fence.)
#blacktaileddeer #birdfeeders #backyardbirding #oregon
Has anybody asked any of those AIs how to keep #squirrels away from #birdfeeders?
I finally accepted that wood makes a pretty terrible material for bird feeders since despite looking nice it absorbs all the oils from the seeds, and it’s difficult to clean off all the droppings which can make it a breeding ground for bird flu.
So I ended up deciding to switch to plastic feeders. The tray looks like wood but it made from recycled milk jugs. I’m looking forward to having the enjoyment of having birds in my garden while having an easier time cleaning them!
#birdfeeders #wood #plastic #birdflu
We went from thaw back to frost in the night. The bird feeder hanging from the shed's gutter caught the worse of it. (Yes, I thawed and cleaned and refilled it with new balls inside.)
The last two pics I took around 16.00; it has been a beautiful day, and the wind has finally died down - and from now till the end of next week we'll be getting the kind of winter weather I do love.
(-6°C = 21.2°F 0°C = 32°F)
#birdfeeders #sunnywinterdays #CatsOfMastodon #icicles
Quite the snowfall in the lower #HudsonValley today. Good thing I stocked up on birdseed and peanuts last week. We have titmice, cardinals, blue jays, finches, chickadees, juncos, white-throated sparrows, and dove feasting. #birdwatching #SnowDay #birdfeeders #backyardbirds
#hudsonvalley #birdwatching #snowday #birdfeeders #backyardbirds
Siskin protecting his perch near the feeder #birds #birdfood #birdsofmastodon #birdfeederwatching #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdfeeders #perthshire #Scotland
#scotland #perthshire #birdfeeders #birdphotography #birdwatching #birdfeederwatching #birdsofmastodon #birdfood #birds
Your bird feeder could actually be sending our feathered friends to the grave - Study Finds
A new study reports that bird feeders should be placed within 18 inches of windows to keep birds from flying into windows.
Redpoll on the feeder #Redpoll #birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birdfeederwatching #birdfeeders #nature #naturephotography #Perthshire #Scotland
#scotland #perthshire #naturephotography #nature #birdfeeders #birdfeederwatching #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #birds #redpoll
Put out meal worms and the #bluebirds will come! #birds #Michigan #birdfeeders
#bluebirds #birds #michigan #birdfeeders
An indigo bunting perched on the deck rail eating seeds.
I got inspired by one of Carl Bergstrom's posts about feeding crows and bought my first bird feeder. I looked out this afternoon to see it sitting on the ground with no less than three squirrels doing some WWE moves on it while the birds watched.
I don't think this is going to be quite as majestic as it originally sounded.
Anyone have any tips for making sure the birds get some snacks too?
The great tits* like the new feeder (with camera and solar battery roof) but most of the birds prefer the old free-floating feeder.
*The one on the closest branch is obviously waiting for me to move my sorry human arse away from the window again.
#fastfoodfeeder #greattits #birdcams #birdfeeders