After my walk this common blackbird was looking for food near the car park. #Birds #BirdWatching #Birdify
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#birdify #birds It is busy in the garden this morning. The magpies are after the rice, a Eurasian Collared Dove clumsily managed to sit on the bird feeder with the seeds, the common chaffinch , sparrows and great tits visit the feeder with the suet ball. And the Rose-ringed Parakeet claims the feeder with the last peanuts.
#birdify a bit chilly this morning, but nevertheless I replenished the bird feeders. And put a plate with leftover rice on the table outside. Might start getting complaints soon…. I’m out of peanuts.
Was die Menschen, denen ich folge angeht (und das ist ja das für mich Relevante): die hab ich - wo möglich - mit #birdify umgezogen.
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