Aha. Funny thing about being a #birdnerd, you'd think this targeted ad on IG would have me at its mercy. But, alas, I am such a bird nerd I'm too busy nitpicking the finer anatomic details to feel truly tempted to spend money.
"Word on the street is, you know why the caged bird sings. You better start singing or your goose is cooked."
#birdnerd #hashtaggames #interrogateabookmovieorshowcharacter
A few days ago, I installed a trail cam on my balcony & was utterly delighted to find out a Red-headed Woodpecker made many visits. I've only seem them once at Montrose Bird Sanctuary, but here it is hanging out in #RogersPark.
Can't wait to see what I find next, though this will be hard to top.
Song: "Oh Yeah" by Yello
[Can't believe how well this synced up w no video edits]
#woodpecker #redheadedwoodpecker #BirdPhotography #Chicago #urbannature #birds #birdwatching #birdnerd #naturevideos
#naturevideos #birdnerd #birdwatching #birds #urbannature #chicago #birdphotography #redheadedwoodpecker #woodpecker #rogerspark
A Black-crowned Night Heron was camped in a low branch at Montrose Saturday.
I found out from another birder that they're trying to lure them north from the Lincoln Park Zoo area & that's why they added Egret figures by the golf course lake.
The day after the statues went up, I saw a Night Heron there & every time since, something appears. Last few times, a pair of Green Herons. Seems like it's helping.
#BirdPhotography #BirdNerd #birding #UrbanNature #birds #BlackCrownedNightHeron #Chicago
#chicago #blackcrownednightheron #birds #urbannature #birding #birdnerd #birdphotography
Backyard blues.
#BlueJay #BackyardBirds #BirdNerd #SolaceInNature #BirdPhotos
#bluejay #backyardbirds #birdnerd #solaceinnature #birdphotos
This female Red-winged Blackbird saw me about to snap a photo and jumped over to this tree so she could be framed better.
Looking good lady!
#RedWingedBlackbird #birds #birdwatching #BirdPhotography #birdnerd #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #birdnerd #birdphotography #birdwatching #birds #redwingedblackbird
Crow harassing a hawk in my backyard.
Interesting sounds.
#BirdsOfMastodon #avians #Birding #BirdNerd #BirdPhotography #BirdWatching
#birdsofmastodon #avians #birding #birdnerd #birdphotography #birdwatching
Back in NYC last weekend and spent a happy morning birding at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn where I met this handsome blue boy fishing by one of the ponds. Belted Kingfishers are so skittish but the beauty of cemetery birding is you may be able to sneak up on one by hiding behind a mausoleum 😏.
#UrbanBirding #BirdNerd #BirdsOfNYC #BirdPhotography #BirdsSeenIn2023
#birdsseenin2023 #birdphotography #birdsofnyc #birdnerd #urbanbirding
Wait for it...wait for it...
I couldn't wait any longer.
This Black-crowned Night Heron stood posed on one foot looking for its next meal longer than I was willing to wait.
#BlackCrownedNightHeron #birds #heron #birdwatching #BirdPhotography #BirdNerd #nature #UrbanNature
#urbannature #nature #birdnerd #birdphotography #birdwatching #heron #birds #blackcrownednightheron
Here's a hawk gif if you like
#RedTailedHawk #hawk #bird #gif #BirdFlight #birdwatching #BirdNerd
#birdnerd #birdwatching #birdflight #gif #bird #hawk #redtailedhawk
My second warbler of the season is the little lemon wonder, the Yellow Warbler. I can't get over how adorable their tiny face is, just 💯 cutie pie. 😍
And for the first time, I was able to recognize its song and follow it until I found the bird. My bird learning only began 2 years ago so each little bit of progress feels great. An endless pattern recognition game.
#YellowWarbler #warbler #birds #BirdPhotography #BirdNerd #birdwatching #nature #Spring #MontroseBirdSanctuary
#montrosebirdsanctuary #spring #nature #birdwatching #birdnerd #birdphotography #birds #warbler #yellowwarbler
I watched this hawk hunt a rabbit for a while, but I found myself walking away just before the final showdown (from what I heard from the VERY LOUD birdwatchers who seemed to only comminicate by screaming).
#RedTailedHawk #hawk #BirdsofPrey #birds #birdwatching #BirdNerd #BirdPhotography
#birdphotography #birdnerd #birdwatching #birds #birdsofprey #hawk #redtailedhawk
Okayyyyy here is my messy list of 38 bird sightings in my backyard (although the Mississippi Kite was spotted in the H‑E‑B parking lot a few blocks away). I’m just listing the bird names in my Alt Text because it’s a lot. All were spotted and confirmed with the audio software or vice versa. I’m pretty excited to discover this little patch of woods behind my house is a wonderland!! #birds #birdnerd #nature 5th pic in next post
Love a bird with style and attitude. #mockingbird #birds #birding #birdnerd #solaceinnature #creationstruck #mastodonwildlife #springjoys
#mockingbird #birds #birding #birdnerd #solaceinnature #creationstruck #mastodonwildlife #springjoys
Part of the reason I’ve been so quiet is that I’m currently obsessed with using the free Cornell Lab of Ornithology software to identify bird calls with my phone. We have a patch of woods behind us in the middle of the city and I’ve identified and spotted 28 birds - including THREE Warblers - in the past two days!! I’m out here trying to identify the massive white owl I saw last week. #birdnerd #birds
This week I added a new #lifer after spotting 5 Blue-winged Teals out on the lake. 🏆
They were too far for photos, but today I found them on the golf course lake.
#BlueWingedTeal #ducks #birds #BirdNerd #BirdPhotography #UrbanNature #nature #MontroseHarbor #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #montroseharbor #nature #urbannature #birdphotography #birdnerd #birds #ducks #BlueWingedTeal #lifer
Caption this Purple Martin trio
#CaptionThis #PurpleMartin #birds #birdwatching #BirdNerd #BirdPhotography #nature #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #nature #birdphotography #birdnerd #birdwatching #birds #purplemartin #captionthis