I wanted to take a moment to recognize that spring has sprung in full force, with over 500 detections of American Robins today!
I’m still working through backup automation and some other extensions of my BirdNetPi, as well as a big old post detailing my hacked together, AI-assisted process.
Got a BirdNet setup going on an old Raspberry Pi. Working very well so far. It's super addicting! Next step will be to run it on solar and weatherproof it.
BirdNETPi Day 2(-4): we may need to do a little calibrating.
Wow, 14 unique species around my city-adjacent house? Trumpeter Swans and Common Loons tend to stay away from my part of Chicagoland. I've attached the three second clips of audio here. Anyone got an ID?
#birds #birding #birdnet #chicago
Tip na skvělou aplikaci, pokud neznáte. Venku panují skoro jarní dny a s nimi se občas ozve ptačí zpěv. Pokud jako já nepoznáte, o jakého ptáčka se jedná, zjistíte to snadno a přesně s aplikací BirdNET. #birdnet