+ RECURVIROSTRA AVOSETTA + Stunning to see that somebody out there is creating creatures, that are perfectly adapted to the food they eat and search for... how about a beak like this for example.
#BirdsinLatin #PiedAvocet
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#recurvirostraavosetta #birdsinlatin #piedavocet #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
My mommy is the best 😍 😍 😍
#BirdsinLatin #PodicepsCristatus
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#greatcrestedgrebe #birdsinlatin #Podicepscristatus #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
The beauty of Spring. For the next 2 months the results of hardworking parents, building nests and flying back and forth with food, will become visible to the audience.
#GreylagGeese chicks
#BirdsinLatin #AnserAnser
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#greylaggeese #birdsinlatin #Anseranser #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
I love #Owls, they're all so gifted.
Here's a #BarnOwl flying up to catch a mouse. Quite a large bird, but it flies without a sound... The branch didn't make a noise when it took off and you don't hear the wings flapping... just nothing.
It really flies like a ghost.
#BirdsinLatin #TytoAlba
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#owls #barnowl #birdsinlatin #tytoalba #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Because they're so beautiful....
#BirdsinLatin #AlcedoAtthis
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#kingfisher #birdsinlatin #AlcedoAtthis #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
A couple of young #goldeneagles It looks like the older one is protecting the youngest, but as soon as mama forgets to bring a new rat or mouse... The little one becomes prey. It's a harsh world out there.
#BirdsinLatin #AquilaChrysaeto
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#goldeneagles #birdsinlatin #aquilachrysaeto #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Happy that not all trees are fully in leaves already. This way you can at least spot the little ones as well.
#BirdsinLatin #AegithalosCaudatus
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#LongTailedTit #birdsinlatin #AegithalosCaudatus #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
What a little bit of sunshine can do... Here's a Eurasian Penduline Tit enjoying the first blossom.
A rare species which is on our red list.
The picture was taken in Lelystad, the Netherlands
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#eurasianpendulinetit #RemizPendulinus #birdsinlatin #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
A #CommonRedshank enjoying the first (pale) sunlight in what feels like ages.
#BirdsinLatin #TringaTotanus
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#commonRedshank #birdsinlatin #tringatotanus #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Two #Ruffs meet early sunny morning in the middle of a meadow,...Says the first one to the other..... "ga-ga-ga" says the other one "ga-ga" 😂
#BirdsinLatin #CalidrisPugnax
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#ruffs #birdsinlatin #calidrispugnax #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Always check your back...
Incoming @ 6 o'clock.
Have a great weekend y'all.
By the way, This photo was taken earlier this week in a town called Wommels, Friesland in the north of the Netherlands
#BirdsinLatin #BlackTailedGodwit
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#birdsinlatin #blacktailedgodwit #LimosaLimosa #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Came across a lonesome fierce-looking little bandit in the middle of a puddle...
#LittleRingedPlover #CharadriusDubius #BirdsinLatin
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#littleRingedPlover #charadriusdubius #birdsinlatin #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Not my most early one ever but still quite early in the season... An #EgyptianGoose with her baby😍
#BirdsinLatin #Alopochenaegyptiacus
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#egyptiangoose #yougottalovenature #birdsinlatin #alopochenaegyptiacus #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
They are supposed to be quite common and not even shy, still it took me several years to get one in front of the camera. Weighing only a little over 5 grams... The #CommonFirecrest... Such beauty!
#BirdsinLatin #RegulusIgnicapilla
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#commonfirecrest #birdsinlatin #regulusignicapilla #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Today I went back to a nature reserve in the area... Mostly swamp area. I wanted to check whether the #blacktailedgodwit the #NorternLapwing and the #Curlew were already back from their Winter break... I spotted a few of each but this one... On top of the only bumb in the area was really showing off that he made it again. Couldn’t resist to capture it. Spring 🤗🌤
#birdsinlatin #VanellusVanellus
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#blacktailedgodwit #norternlapwing #curlew #birdsinlatin #vanellusvanellus #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Last week freezing with snow.. Now we’re in the sun experiencing an enjoyable 17 degrees Celsius... With tons of birds flying back and forth with nestmaterial... The male #bullfinch here’s taking a rest.
#birdsinlatin #PyrrhulaPyrrhula
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#bullfinch #birdsinlatin #pyrrhulapyrrhula #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
My favourite Finch the #Hawfinch. Too bad they're so shy. Most of the time they'll stay high up in the treetops, but they have to come down for a drink every now and then giving bird-paparazzi like me a chance to get a decent shot
#birdsinlatin #CoccothraustesCoccothraustes
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#hawfinch #birdsinlatin #coccothraustescoccothraustes #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Hopefully, it will be the last snow we get. Although it's beautiful.. at some point we're longing for Spring.
Will make it easier for this #EurasianBlueTit to find its food.
#birdsinlatin #CyanistesCaeruleus
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#EurasianBlueTit #birdsinlatin #cyanistescaeruleus #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
Back on its snowy post... The #Kingfisher
#birdsinlatin #AlcedoAtthis
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#kingfisher #birdsinlatin #AlcedoAtthis #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
And there I thought... Spring was on its way...
Well in the meantime, this #Robin and I know better.
#birdsinlatin #ErithacusRubecula
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#robin #birdsinlatin #ErithacusRubecula #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature