The MoDos also had plenty of offspring, and it seems like they all know right from the start how to pose. In a weird kind of way, the youngsters almost seem more serious (first birb) 😆
#birds #birdsofMastodon #birdsofMichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #borbs #MoDo #dove #birdwatching #Ostdrossel #birdphoto
#birds #BirdsOfMastodon #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #borbs #modo #dove #birdwatching #Ostdrossel #birdphoto
Drove 10 hours to get my once in a lifetime view of Kirkland's warbler, probably the rarest bird I have yet seen. Crawford County, Michigan, June 2023
#birding #birdwatching #birds #lifebird #birdsofmichigan #birdsofmastodon
#birding #birdwatching #birds #lifebird #birdsofmichigan #birdsofmastodon
I love Northern Cardinals. They have such attitude and love to stare you in the face! 🐦 ❤️ 😁
The photographer is Jocelyn Anderson, and this cardinal certainly has something to say to her. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Vertical picture. Click to get the full view of his sharply-raised crest and his red breast.
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfMichigan #NorthernCardinal
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birdsofmichigan #northerncardinal
Due to some maintenance work, the live cams will be off for a couple of days, and I won't be able to post. Things will be back to normal next week. To hold you over, here is the King. Enjoy the outdoors and listen to the #birds ❤️ #birdsofinstagram #NorthernCardinal #Cardinals #JoshuaHomme #KingoftheYard #birdsofmichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
#birds #birdsofinstagram #northerncardinal #cardinals #joshuahomme #kingoftheyard #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
This bird brings me joy so I'm sharing it with you. #trumpeterswan #birdwatching #birdsofmichigan #queerbirders #spring #geese
#trumpeterswan #birdwatching #birdsofmichigan #queerbirders #spring #geese
Male Common Grackles (Bronzed) strutting their beautiful plumage. 🤎 🖤 💙 💚 💜
Photographer — Jocelyn Anderson
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfMichigan #Grackles
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birdsofmichigan #grackles
A female Eastern Bluebird checks out a nest box. Gorgeous photograph with those wide-spread wings. 💙 💙 💙
Photographer — Jocelyn Anderson
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfMichigan #EasternBluebird
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birdsofmichigan #easternbluebird
🎵 🎶 🎵 "I'm si-i-inging in the rain,
"Just si-i-ining in the rain!" 🎵 🎶 🎵 🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️
A tufted titmouse belts out a tune, oblivious to the downpour around it.
Photographer — Jocelyn Anderson
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfMichigan #TuftedTitmouse
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birdsofmichigan #tuftedtitmouse
For your viewing pleasure: a tufted titmouse daintily nibbles on a peanut held between its foot and a branch. What's not to love about these sweet-faced, teardrop-shaped borbs?
😊 🥰 😘 😘 💧 🤎 🤍 🖤 🥜
Vertical photograph; click for the bottom half of the bird and the peanut.
The photographer is Jocelyn Anderson.
#Birds #Borbs #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMichigan #TuftedTitmouse
#birds #borbs #birdphotography #birdsofmichigan #tuftedtitmouse
While I'm on a Jocelyn Anderson kick today, here's one of her photographs of a sweet little Tufted Titmouse. It looks so shy! 🥰 😘 😊
Vertical photograph; click for full effect.
Photographer — Jocelyn Anderson
#Birds #Borbs #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMichigan #BirdsOfMastodon #TuftedTitmouse
#birds #borbs #birdphotography #birdsofmichigan #birdsofmastodon #tuftedtitmouse
A male Northern Cardinal wears a decorative snowflake on his tuft.
Vertical photograph; click for full effect.
Photographer — Jocelyn Anderson
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #NorthernCardinal #RedBird #Borb #BirdsOfMichigan
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #northerncardinal #redbird #borb #birdsofmichigan
It's the season for baby birds, and a bare tree full of Great Blue Herons are building their large nests. 🐣
Vertical photograph; click for full effect.
Photographer — Jocelyn Anderson
#Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfMichigan #GreatBlueHerons
#birds #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birdsofmichigan #greatblueherons
There was also a #Titmouse bonanza! I love seeing them up close because they are such pretty birds with so many adorable details.
#birds #birdsofMastodon #cutie #birdsofMichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #nature #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
#Titmouse #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #cutie #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #birdwatching #nature #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
During this time of the year, and I guess always, there will also be the opportunists. And they can be tiny and adorable like the Titmouse but also overwhelming like a group of European Starlings. Well, and the MoDos… 😂
#birds #birdsofMastodon #birdsofMichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #Titmouse #Starling #sturnusvulgaris #MoDo #dove #borb #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
#birds #BirdsOfMastodon #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #birdwatching #Titmouse #starling #sturnusvulgaris #modo #dove #borb #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
Blue Jays are a usual occurrence here in Michigan, but right now they are kind of scarce too. It was lovely today when the sun quickly came out when this one was at the feeder. I love the many patterns and textures on them, and this one was particularly beautiful.
#birds #birdsofMastodon #BlueJay #corvids #bluelove #birdsofMichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #pureMichigan #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
#birds #BirdsOfMastodon #bluejay #corvids #bluelove #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #puremichigan #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
A white breasted nuthatch in the early Michigan winter sun.
#bird #birdphotography #birding #nuthatch #photography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #birdsofmichigan
#birdsofmichigan #wildlifephotography #wildlife #photography #nuthatch #birding #birdphotography #bird
The sun came out, it was nice and frosty, and we took the last Christmas lights on the outside down. The Nuthatches, Titmice and Chickadees were happily buzzing around, the woodpeckers were busy, and the Finches were happy. And so were the squatters. They hogged the camera bowls, convinced that everybody needs to see only them 😝
#birds #birdsofMastodon #MourningDove #MoDo #borb #birdsofMichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #Ostdrossel
#birds #BirdsOfMastodon #mourningdove #modo #borb #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #Ostdrossel
What a crazy weather day we had! Strong winds, extreme temperature drop and snow. Bird activity was good and I had to seriously bundle up to refill as needed. I am still going through photos to see if there was anything good but I am happy to see a #Chickadee chose the BB box for roosting tonight ❤️
#birds #birdsofMastodon #bombcyclone #pureMichigan #birdsofMichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #Ostdrossel
#chickadee #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #bombcyclone #puremichigan #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #Ostdrossel
When I picked the November bird, I first looked at smaller birds, like the #Chickadees and the #Goldfinch. But everything felt so-so, and when I saw the Redbellied #Woodpecker, I loved the light, colors, detail and size of the bird and knew that was Miss November.
#birds #birdsofMastodon #birdsofMichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #nature #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
#chickadees #goldfinch #woodpecker #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #birdwatching #nature #Ostdrossel #birdphotography
He is so beautiful that the sun came out for him ❤️
#birds #birdsofMastodon #cardinal #KingoftheYard #JoshuaHomme #birdsofMichigan #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #BirdsyTV #Ostdrossel
#birds #BirdsOfMastodon #cardinal #kingoftheyard #joshuahomme #birdsofmichigan #BirdsOfNorthAmerica #birdwatching #birdlovers #nature #BirdsyTV #Ostdrossel