Last few #BirdsOfPeru for #BirdsSeenIn2022, from in and around Machu Picchu: Green-and-white Hummingbird, Grey-hooded Bush Tanager, White-winged Black-Tyrant and Grey-breasted Woodwren. 10/10
And a few more rubbish photos of #BirdsSeenIn2022 from along Peru's Sacred Valley: Black-throated Flowerpiercer, Slate-throated Redstart, Tropical Kingbird and Rusty Flowerpiercer. 9/10
A few last rubbish bird photos from a grey, rainy morning in the Peruvian Amazon: Wattled Jacana, Striated Heron, very distant Ruddy Pigeon and Yellow-rumped Cacique. 8/10
A few more #BirdsSeenIn2022 from an afternoon of roadside birding near Lima: Hooded Siskin, Eared Dove, female/immature Blue-black Grassquit and Cinereous Conebill. 7/10
Some #BirdsSeenIn2022 from the beaches and wetlands in and around Lima: Neotropic Cormorant, Great Egret, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and immature Black-crowned Night-Heron. 6/10
Down at the Huacarpay wetlands near Cuzco #BirdsSeenIn2022 included Rufous-naped Ground Tyrant, Puna Teal, Yellow-billed Teal and two Cinereous Harriers having a mid-air territorial squabble. 5/10
Last few Manu Road #BirdsSeenIn2022, mostly truly terrible examples of #StickHappens: Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanager, Superciliaried Hemispingus, Golden-collared Tanager and literally the only photo I got of the endemic Creamy-crested Spinetail 🤦♀️ 4/10
#birdsofperu #stickhappens #BirdsSeenIn2022
At 3550m asl at the Acjanaco Pass, the highest point on the Manu Road, #BirdsSeenIn2022 included Tufted Tit-tyrant, Brown-backed Chat-tyrant, Moustached Flowerpiercer and White-browed Conebill. 3/10
Also from the Manu Road: male and female Golden-headed Quetzal, Grass-green Tanager, Yellow-throated Chlorospingus. Getting increasingly into #StickHappens territory with a lot of these photos from here on out... 😬 2/10
#birdsofperu #BirdsSeenIn2022 #stickhappens
Laid up with #twixtmas (non-Covid) lurgy, so time for a last #BirdsOfPeru round-up 🧵of birds missing from #BirdsSeenIn2022, starting on the Manu Road: Chestnut-backed Antshrike, Streaked Flycatcher, Palm Tanager and Spectacled Redstart. 1/10
#BirdsSeenIn2022 #birdsofperu #twixtmas
Just minutes before sunset on my second afternoon at Cock-of-the-rock Lodge, a brilliant surprise: an Amazonian Umbrellabird put in a fleeting appearance. More species to come in the next few days from the return trip up the Manu Road to Cuzco! 8/8
Also in the gardens at Cock-of-the-rock Lodge late afternoon: Andean Motmot, Orange-bellied Euphonia, Orange-eared Tanager and Swallow Tanager. 7/8 #BirdsSeenIn2022 #BirdsOfPeru
More garden birds from Cock-of-the-rock Lodge, enjoying both the fruit feeders and the fruiting trees around the cabins: Buff-throated Saltator, Speckled Chachalaca, Bay-headed Tanager, Dusky-green Oropendula. 6/8 #BirdsSeenIn2022 #BirdsOfPeru
Back at Cock-of-the-rock Lodge we enjoyed great birding in the gardens and at the fruit feeders including Versicolored Barbet, Russet-backed Oropendula, Silver-beaked Tanager and Golden-olive Woodpecker. 5/8 #BirdsSeenIn2022 #BirdsOfPeru
On the drive back from the foothills to Cock-of-the-rock Lodge we had some good roadside birding including Dusky-headed Parakeet, Plumbeous Kite, Roadside Hawk and Blue-headed Parrot. 4/8 #BirdsSeenIn2022 #BirdsOfPeru
At the hummingbird feeders at Mirador Pico de Hoz over lunch we saw Sapphire-spangled Emerald, Long-billed Starthroat, White-bearded Hermit and Golden-tailed Sapphire. 3/8 #BirdsSeenIn2022 #BirdsOfPeru
At Mirador Pico de Hoz later that morning we had fabulous close looks at Rufous-sided Crake as well as Gray-capped Flycatcher, McConnell's Flycatcher and Purple Gallinule. 2/8 #BirdsSeenIn2022 #BirdsOfPeru
Very belatedly, some more #BirdsOfPeru for #BirdsSeenIn2022 before 2022 ends, from my amazing trip along the Manu Road in August. First up, from the eastern foothills: Green Honeycreeper, Blue Dacnis, Magpie Tanager and Crested Oropendula. 1/8