Amazing shot of the beautiful Kinfisher by Dennis Facun #BirdsSeenIn2023 #nature #wildlife #biodiversity #photooftheday
#birdsseenin2023 #nature #wildlife #biodiversity #photooftheday
White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae), Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens, #Brisbane
#birds #naturephotography #australianbirds #wildlife #birdphotography #birdsofoz #wildoz #photography #nature ##queensland #australia #TwitterNatureCommunity #BirdsSeenIn2023 #Ozbirds #BirdNerds
#brisbane #birds #naturephotography #australianbirds #wildlife #birdphotography #birdsofoz #wildoz #photography #nature #queensland #australia #twitternaturecommunity #birdsseenin2023 #ozbirds #birdnerds
Three ducks.
It’s #ThreeDuckThursday - and it almost looks like I’ve got my ducks in a row.
#BirdsSeenIn2023 #LowCarbonBirding #UrbanBirding #Mallards #Ducks
#threeduckthursday #birdsseenin2023 #lowcarbonbirding #urbanbirding #mallards #ducks
Gaivotão/Kelp Gull
Larus dominicanus
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photo #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2023 #photo #BirdTwitter #fotos #Florianopolis #SantaCatarina #photography #bird #birds #Ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photo #birdwatching #birdsseenin2023 #birdtwitter #fotos #florianopolis #santacatarina #Photography #bird #Birds #ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso
Vanavond 2 Nachtzwaluwen in 1 boom gezien (Caprimulgus europaeus) #nightjar #vogelskijken #volgdenatuur #BirdsSeenIn2023 @Britnatureguide @vogelnieuws #natuuronline
#nightjar #vogelskijken #volgdenatuur #birdsseenin2023 #natuuronline
Beautiful capture of a male Chaffinch by Dennis Facun #photooftheday #BirdsSeenIn2023 #nature #wildlifephotography
#photooftheday #birdsseenin2023 #nature #wildlifephotography
In terms of color, western tanagers are the closest thing we have in Oregon to a parrot. Just startlingly pretty. They're fairly common summer birds, but I'm still always stopped in my tracks when I see one for the first time each year. The thrush, which deserves a better name, was a nice treat too.
80) Western Tanager
81) Swainson's Thrush
#BirdsOf2023 #BirdsSeenIn2023 #oregon #pnw #BirdNamesForBirds
#birdnamesforbirds #pnw #oregon #birdsseenin2023 #birdsof2023
Zeearend op jacht, 1 was het haasje korte hap van een bergeend en weer verder. Onlangs bij het #Lauwersmeer #Ezumakeegh #vogelskijken #BirdsSeenIn2023 @birdingplaces @Britnatureguide
#lauwersmeer #ezumakeegh #vogelskijken #birdsseenin2023
🎶Der #Wiedehopf, der Wiedehopf der schenkt der Braut nen Blumentopf fiderallala fiderallala..🎶
#Birding #birdingphotography #birdsseenin2023
#birdsseenin2023 #birdingphotography #birding #Wiedehopf
Just fed the birds … before I could finish climbing the stairs to the deck, the Galahs were in da house …
#bird #birdsseenin2023 #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #ownpics #ngunnawalcountry
Our House Martins have some news!
Found these egg shells thoughtfully pushed out around our brown bin today 🐣🐣🐣
#biodiversity #birdsseenin2023
I should know by now, that whenever I'm on the fence about fitting a walk into my day, I should always take the walk. I was feeling lazy and almost skipped this one, which would have been a shame. Three of my favorite migrant songbirds that I hadn't seen yet this spring, including one, the evening grosbeak, that I'll never take for granted, given how they've declined over the past ten years.
77) Rufous Hummingbird
78) Cedar Waxwing
79) Evening Grosbeak
#oregon #birdsseenin2023 #birdsof2023
Named locally as ‘Bertie’ AHeron, here he is enjoying a few moments from @RTElyricfm #SundayFunday #BirdsSeenIn2023 #wildlife #biodiversity
#sundayfunday #birdsseenin2023 #wildlife #biodiversity
Pomba-asa-branca/Picazuro Pigeon
Patagioenas picazuro
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photo #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2023 #photo #BirdTwitter #fotos #Florianopolis #SantaCatarina #photography #bird #birds #Ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso
#animal #animais #animals #fotografias #photo #birdwatching #birdsseenin2023 #birdtwitter #fotos #florianopolis #santacatarina #Photography #bird #Birds #ave #aves #asavesqueeuencontro #patricianicoloso
A Canada Goose with its young on the #RiverTrent
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BirdsSeenIn2023
#RiverTrent #Birds #nature #naturephotography #RSPB #birdphotograpy #birdsseenin2023
We have now got quite a few fledgling and young #Blackbirds visiting. Some being fed by the adults and some managing by themselves now. They will even sit on the window ledge looking at us until we put some food out!
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BirdsSeenIn2023
#blackbirds #Birds #nature #naturephotography #RSPB #birdphotograpy #birdsseenin2023