One of my favorite Andean condor videos: a snippet from BBC's Earthflight about a 6-month-old female taking her first flight. Right now, her feathers are brown, but she will develop an adult's black-and-white plumage (and a female's blood-red eyes) at around six years old.
Narrator — David Tennant
#birds #birdvideo #andeancondor
Ahhhhhh... a 20-minute video featuring close-ups of all sorts of adorable small birds in natural settings, along with their songs. All the birds are identified. 😊 🖤
#birds #birdvideo #birdsofmastodon #beautifulbirds
Who’s watching who?
A Golden-hooded Tanager (Stilpnia larvata) visiting the feeder the other day.
#birds #birdwatching #birdsofcostarica #birdvideo #tanager #birding #birdfeeder
I did some filming of pied shags (cormorants), or kāruhiruhi this morning. It's nesting time so you can see some chicks also. Here's some raw footage, before I've added any voice-overs or titles. Enjoy!
Mostly this was to see how capable the Sony Fx30 was for nature videography.
#birdvideo #cormorant #nzbirds
I've been filming pied cormorants (kāruhiruhi) this morning. In 4K. It's nesting season. Here's a bit of footage I took straight from the camera...
(Doubtlessly Twitter will compress it and much of the quality will be lost)
#birdvideo #cormorant #nzbirds
I’m hoping to post a little more casually with this account and post videos, photos, links and articles as well as the paintings I’m working on.
This is one of one of our local Male Shining Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes lucidus) They frequent our patio feeder in southern Costa Rica at certain times of the year.
It’s gets pretty colourful when the Green, Red-legged and Shining Honeycreepers all show up at the same time.
#birds #birdwatching #birdsofcostarica #birdvideo #honeycreeper
A moment of peace.
Boosts are welcome if you enjoyed my video. Thx. 🙂
#AMomentOfPeace #CardinalBird #BirdFeeding #NatureVideo #BirdVideo #Wisconsin #BirdWatching #ChickadeeDiner #ChickadeeCottage #JodeneLea
#amomentofpeace #cardinalbird #birdfeeding #naturevideo #birdvideo #chickadeediner #chickadeecottage #jodenelea #wisconsin #birdwatching