@bluespiral Yes indeed they are most places in #NorthAmerica. Females were always the "mystery bird" for me each season… like a familiar face but you just can't put a name to it! 🙂 Pretty in their own right. Here's a pic I took in 2017… #NaturePhotography #Birds #RedWingedBlackbird #Female #BirdYoga
Range map from allaboutbirds.org.
#northamerica #naturephotography #birds #redwingedblackbird #female #birdyoga
A Common Yellowthroat strikes a pose. #birdyoga?
#commonyellowthroat #warbler #birds #birdphotography #birdwatching #photography #naturephotography #nature #branches
#birdyoga #commonyellowthroat #warbler #birds #birdphotography #birdwatching #photography #naturephotography #nature #branches