Has the state really withered away in Manipur?
Instead, it has taken on a different shape: from an entity governed by a liberal social contract to one driven by an ethno-majoritarian consensus.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #ManipurGovt #BirenSingh #meiteis #kukis #ManipurArmsLoot #InternetShutdown #censorship #BJP #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #manipurgovt #birensingh #meiteis #kukis #manipurarmsloot #internetshutdown #censorship #BJP #india
Siege on Manipur: Hindu Nationalists' War for Ethnic Supremacy
Across India, experiments to forge the 'Hindu national community' are predicated on the breakage of minoritised Muslims and Christians, and Adivasis and Dalits. What's happening in Manipur is part of a plan operationalised by the Hindu Right decades ago.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #ManipurRapes #meiteis #kukis #HinduNationalism #hindutva #EthnicCleansing #BJP #christians #minorities #ManipurGovt #BirenSingh #AmitShah #northeast #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #manipurrapes #meiteis #kukis #HinduNationalism #hindutva #ethniccleansing #BJP #christians #minorities #manipurgovt #birensingh #amitshah #northeast #india
Manipur violence: BJP’s patronisation of vigilante groups suppressed credible voices, says report
A women’s panel also said in the report that both the Kukis and Meitis the BJP governments in the state and the Centre have failed to control the violence.
#manipur #Manipur #ManipurViolence #meiteis #kukis #BirenSingh #BJP #MeiteiNationalism #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #meiteis #kukis #birensingh #BJP #meiteinationalism #india
He embraced Meiteis but offended Kukis: Three errors of Amit Shah in handling Manipur crisis
Amit Shah focused tactically on what at the moment seemed to him the right thing to say but overlooked or ignored what was strategically more appropriate for Manipur’s future, writes Karan Thapar.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #AmitShah #meiteis #kukis #BirenSingh #BJP #MeiteiLeepun #ArambaiTenggol #ManipurGovt #hindutva #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #amitshah #meiteis #kukis #birensingh #BJP #meiteileepun #arambaitenggol #manipurgovt #hindutva #india
Days Before MHA Was to Finalise Kuki Accord Not Supported by CM, Violence Broke Out in Manipur
According to Kuki SoO groups in talks with Union government in Delhi, the modalities of the accord was on the lines of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution, a longstanding demand of the community.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #MHA #KukiAccord #kukis #meiteis #KukiAutonomy #BirenSingh #BJP #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #mha #kukiaccord #kukis #meiteis #kukiautonomy #birensingh #BJP #india
Assam Rifles faces the heat in Manipur; fabricated attempts to malign image: Army
In a statement, the Army’s Spear Corps said it along with Assam Rifles will continue to remain firm and resolute in carrying out actions to prevent violence in Manipur.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #AssamRifles #ManipurPolice #CBI #IndianArmy #SpearCorps #meiteis #kukis #ManipurGovt #BirenSingh #BJP #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #assamrifles #manipurpolice #cbi #indianarmy #spearcorps #meiteis #kukis #manipurgovt #birensingh #BJP #india
Kuki People's Alliance Withdraws Support From N. Biren Singh Government
The KPA, formed in 2022, has two sitting MLAs in the Manipur government.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #KPA #kukis #meitei #BirenSingh #BJP #ManipurGovt #COCOMI #majoritarianism #ManipurUnrest #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #kpa #kukis #meitei #birensingh #BJP #manipurgovt #cocomi #majoritarianism #manipurunrest #india
The BJP-led government in Manipur lost a minor ally on Friday over the ethnic violence raging in the northeastern state for over three months.
#ManipurBJPAllyWithdraws #BirenSingh #Led
#manipurbjpallywithdraws #birensingh #led
BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) partner Kuki People's Alliance on Sunday withdrew its support from the N Biren Singh government in Manipur over the continuing violence in the state that has claimed nearly 200 lives in the past three months. The party has two seats in the state assembly.
#NDA #KPA #BirenSingh #Manipur
#nda #kpa #birensingh #manipur
NDA partner Kuki People's Alliance withdraws support from N Biren Singh government in Manipur.
#KukiPeople #Alliance #BirenSingh #Manipur #Report
#kukipeople #alliance #birensingh #manipur #report
Double-Engine: The Union and State Government Must Answer for Manipur
August 3 marks exactly three months since the start of the mayhem in Manipur. Fears of state collusion and complicity in the violence are growing with time. Nandita Haksar writes.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #ManipurRapes #meiteis #kukis #majoritarianism #christians #churches #BJP #BirenSingh #ManipurGovt #article355 #environment #ForestRights #UnionGovt #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #manipurrapes #meiteis #kukis #majoritarianism #christians #churches #BJP #birensingh #manipurgovt #article355 #environment #forestrights #uniongovt #india
Manipur was given to us by our forefathers, not by India: Meitei Leepun chief Pramot Singh
Meitei Leepun chief Pramot Singh says that sacking CM Biren Singh will send a message to the Meiteis that Indian government has backed the Kukis to defeat Meiteis. The Meiteis will also protest against the President’s Rule as it’s a demand by the Kukis.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #ManipurRapes #MeiteiLeepun #PramotSingh #RSS #ABVP #meiteis #kukis #majoritarianism #BirenSingh #ManipurGovt #BJP #hindutva #MeiteiNationalism #interview #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #manipurrapes #meiteileepun #pramotsingh #RSS #abvp #meiteis #kukis #majoritarianism #birensingh #manipurgovt #BJP #hindutva #meiteinationalism #interview #india
From Manipur, A Peace Activist’s Account Of State Criminality & Culpability
In this blow-by-blow account, peace activist Harsh Mander describes his journey to Manipur, where he met Meitei and Kuki families broken by three months of ethnic violence, life inside the camps where hundreds live in despair, unsure if they will ever return to their scorched villages, and the “extreme culpability” of a seemingly partisan state that has done little to help the minority Christians who have been killed and uprooted in greater numbers.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #meiteis #kukis #christians #displacement #ManipurRapes #BirenSingh #ManipurGovt #BJP #HarshMander #JohnDayal #KarwanEMohabbat #activism #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #meiteis #kukis #christians #displacement #manipurrapes #birensingh #manipurgovt #BJP #harshmander #johndayal #karwanemohabbat #activism #india
Tipping point
The violence in Manipur exhibits two symptoms-- The impunity with which Meitei mobs have been allowed to loot police armouries and the instrumental use of rape to announce the end of Kuki citizenship, writes Mukul Kesavan.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #ManipurRapes #meiteis #kukis #majoritarianism #BirenSingh #rape #ManipurPolice #citizenship #christians #christianity #assam #HimantaBiswaSarma #hindutva #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #manipurrapes #meiteis #kukis #majoritarianism #birensingh #rape #manipurpolice #citizenship #christians #christianity #assam #himantabiswasarma #hindutva #india
Manipur: Section 376 of IPC missing from rape FIRs
Kuki organisations claim seven rapes took place since May 3. CM N. Biren Singh says only one rape happened. In another case, Section 376 was not applied even though FIR mentions rape.
#manipur #ManipurRapes #rape #ManipurPolice #meiteis #kukis #BirenSingh #section376 #ManipurViolence #BJP #india
#manipur #manipurrapes #rape #manipurpolice #meiteis #kukis #birensingh #section376 #manipurviolence #BJP #india
Manipur assault video emboldens women to speak out
New allegations of violence against women are emerging in the north-east Indian state of Manipur, as the response to a viral video showing two women being paraded naked by a mob encourages others to speak.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #ManipurRapes #kukis #meiteis #HumanRights #rape #GangRape #ViolenceAgainstWomen #MeiraPeibis #BirenSingh #ManipurGovt #UnionGovt #BJP #india
TW: descriptions of rape
#manipur #manipurviolence #manipurrapes #kukis #meiteis #humanrights #rape #gangrape #ViolenceAgainstWomen #meirapeibis #birensingh #manipurgovt #uniongovt #BJP #india
Biren Singh is the Modi of 2002
The Prime Minister cannot criticise or sack the Manipur Chief Minister, for the latter is pursuing the anti-minority model that the former had invented 21 years ago.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #BirenSingh #NarendraModi #BJP #majoritarianism #minorities #meiteis #kukis #HateSpeech #GujaratPogrom #GujaratRiots #HinduMobs #muslims #christians #minorities #police #hindutva #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #birensingh #narendramodi #BJP #majoritarianism #minorities #meiteis #kukis #hatespeech #gujaratpogrom #gujaratriots #hindumobs #muslims #christians #police #hindutva #india
FIR reveals horrific killing of Manipur youth
The Kuki-Zo youth, who was arrested for sharing a post on CM Biren Singh, was being taken from court to jail on May 4, when a mob of around 800 men and women intercepted the police vehicle, dragged him out and beat him to death; NHRC records case as custodial death, issues notices.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #BirenSingh #ManipurPolice #meiteis #kukis #KukiZos #lynching #BJP #NHRC #ManipurUnrest #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #birensingh #manipurpolice #meiteis #kukis #kukizos #lynching #BJP #nhrc #manipurunrest #india