RamenCatholic 🐢 🌈 · @RamenCatholic
169 followers · 1853 posts · Server mindly.social

@Rajumisra I'm not sure that I understand your point.

I think that what I'm just trying to say is: I know that a lot of folk have responses to the use of their .

I hope that my perspective might help someone else who isn't comfortable with the name/sex/gender assigned to them at birth.

Using different words, like instead of , helps me look at it in a different way.

#trans #traumatic #birthname #governmentname #deadname

Last updated 2 years ago

RamenCatholic 🐢 🌈 · @RamenCatholic
165 followers · 1791 posts · Server mindly.social

I ask people to refer to me by a nickname, but I'm not bothered (much) when I have to use my

I don't love it (yes, it used to bother me), but to me now.

I think of it as my instead of as a . Even if I later change it, I feel like it will always be a part of my story. That's important to me too.

And frankly, if I was too lazy to legally change it when I got married then I'm *always* gonna be too lazy to do so.

#personalopinion #genderneutral #birthname #itiswhatitis #governmentname #deadname

Last updated 2 years ago