Jyoti Mishra · @Jyoti
1711 followers · 10629 posts · Server mas.to


I got hooked because it was teatime and there was fuck-all I could find on my 28 streaming services and Twilight was just on telly. Sooo... now I have to re-watch the rest.

As popcorn films, they're not bad. The politics - fucking hell, there's a huge NOPE about once every ten minutes.

But, hey, nowhere near as bad as or and they're lauded works.

#BreakfastAtTiffanys #birthofanation

Last updated 1 year ago

Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1467 followers · 12869 posts · Server mstdn.social

This one is only for students of the and of .

Repeated use of *the* slur bothers me, though that was how most people spoke publicly in that era, and even into this century.

is also open here.

Both so casually accepted and expressed it really reduces the value of watching this to being purely technical for most people.

I won't watch regardless of its place in .

The originality of this can't negate its open

#bigotry #History #cinematic #birthofanation #misogyny #homophobic #Film #Art #craft

Last updated 1 year ago

Duane Aubin :verified: · @duaneaubin
347 followers · 321 posts · Server mstdn.party

9/23 Among other things, Wilson hosted a screening of a new thing, a movie, , which portrayed the as "a heroic force, necessary to preserve American values, protect white women, and maintain ".

Celebrating this movie in the White House legitimized and connected it to Washington, the north!

Jim Crow, lynchings, Confederate symbol installations all grew in his wake. Not coincidence.

#birthofanation #kkk #WhiteSupremacy

Last updated 2 years ago

John D Ruddy · @johndruddy
1 followers · 5 posts · Server convo.casa
Orion Ussner kidder · @OrionKidder
303 followers · 1113 posts · Server mas.to

If I ever teach a first-year film course, I am NOT making a whole class watch BIRTH OF A NATION because it’s just not worth it. Why put them through that just to see examples of cinematic techniques that we can look at in other films from a few years later?

#cinemastodon #cinema #racism #birthofanation #filmschool #filmstudies

Last updated 2 years ago