经过一家买薯片异常便利的 #便利店,去双料学妹推荐的美式馒头(#biscuit)店吃了三明治。不符合我的口味,但分量真的实在,简直拿不起来,只好切了吃
#AmericanSHENGDIYAGE 230909
#便利店 #biscuit #americanshengdiyage
Seeing every other alternative to #biscuit (@biscuitauth), I think the only other viable alternative is to store a random token in-memory. Maybe using persy, and just delegate role management to another time. Or bite the bullet and learn datalog.
Trying to use #biscuit (@biscuitauth) instead of #JWT, yet, I cannot say I fully understood the docs. Nor do I see any links to any communities, anywhere that I can ask my questions. I'm not sure if using it instead of JWT is the right move for me at this point, even though the performance and rust nativity seem pretty nice.
@selzero (@selzero@vmst.io @PSiReN@vmst.io)
You're #NotWrong, #MisterDen... I can see why you'd #SayThat; but...
The #MastodonMechaGodzilla is #FineAboutIT...
And, the #MastodonMechaUnicorn has #Stuff to #Do... Like #Hunting for #Biscuits... Or a #Doughnut...
#Biscuit... #Biscuit... #Yum! #YumYum...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🍩🐻🦄🐻🍩☕
#notwrong #misterden #saythat #mastodonmechagodzilla #fineaboutit #mastodonmechaunicorn #stuff #do #hunting #biscuits #doughnut #biscuit #yum #yumyum
#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingMidMorningBiscuitNotNews... #NotNearly24... #FrequentlyFewer... #OftenLess...
We #Might be #FakeNews, #MisterDen... Or, a #Prophecy... #OneOrTheOther...
We can still have a #Biscuit, #Right...?
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠☕
#notnews24 #unbreaklingmidmorningbiscuitnotnews #notnearly24 #frequentlyfewer #oftenless #might #fakenews #misterden #prophecy #oneortheother #biscuit #right
In case anyone was wondering, yes, #Apple #FaceID works when you have a #McVities #Digestive #biscuit hanging out of your mouth.
#apple #faceid #mcvities #digestive #biscuit #publicinformation
#IT's #NotARace; we can #Always: #MakeMoreBiscuits... Because, #Biscuits...!
#GangGang... #SlayHuh... #Fire... #Butterfly... #CheeseAndPickleSandwich... #StroonngggWoommannn...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🏴☠️🦹🍪🐻🍪🦹🏴☠️
#it #notarace #always #makemorebiscuits #biscuits #biscuit #yum #ganggang #slayhuh #fire #butterfly #cheeseandpicklesandwich #stroonngggwoommannn
#IT's... #ProbablySymbolic...
Also... #DontForget: #JesusGunsRabies...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🦹🍪🐻🍪🦹☕
#it #probablysymbolic #dontforget #jesusgunsrabies #biscuit
#biscuit ブラウザ、outlook webでできない事がだんだん増えてきたぜ
・添付されたpdfを閲覧できない ← New!
Twenty six boozy Anzac biscuits I baked earlier today (needless to say, there isn't 26 anymore)
#Biscuit ブラウザ、ついにOWAからのメール送信もできなくなってしまった?はちょっと困るので、キャッシュフォルダ
#Biscuit ブラウザでGoogleサービスにログインできなくなった。
→ Issues · agata/dl.biscuit · GitHub
Sablés (à la vanille) nappés au chocolat au lait 😋 Une merveille 😍😉 #patisserie #pâtisseries #cuisine #MardiPatisserie #mardipatisserieenretard #sablés #biscuit
#patisserie #patisseries #cuisine #MardiPatisserie #mardipatisserieenretard #sables #biscuit
New biscuits just dropped, and by new I mean I made up a recipe and it worked, and they are delicious.
You even get a hand written recipe to go with it.