Sooner or later, #Gardeners come to realize that more than anything else, they simply want #Plants with #Good #Manners.
True, almost any Plant can become a #Tyrant in the right #Circumstance.
But ask a gardener about the manners of #Ivy, #Creepers, #Bamboo, #Periwinkle, #StJohn'sWort, #LilyOfTheValley, #BishopsWeed, etc. and suddenly that #Sweet #Loving Plant #Person #Transforms into a #General with serious #War stories.
Some even have the #Scars to prove it.
#vss365 #gardener #gardeners #plants #good #manners #tyrant #circumstance #Ivy #creepers #bamboo #periwinkle #stjohn #lilyofthevalley #bishopsweed #sweet #loving #person #transforms #General #War #scars