#Washington, #YakimaValley. Drought refugee, aged sixty three, from #Bismark,NorthDakota. "Come to #Washington three years ago in that #Chevy coupe you see over there and twenty-five dollars cash. Had #480acres back there..."
#washington #yakimavalley #bismark #chevy #480acres #photography #dorothealange
Biese-Aland-Kurier: Einheitsgemeinde #Bismark erhält Fördergeld, Schulen gehen leer aus #sachsenanhalt
#Washington, #YakimaValley. Drought refugee, aged sixty three, from #Bismark,NorthDakota. "Came to #Washington three years ago in that #Chevy coupe you see over there and twenty-five dollars cash. Had #480acres back there. I dried out after thirty years, lost it, and walked out." With help of #WorkProjectsAdministration WPA) and supplementary work on ranches is buying three quarters of an acre in shacktown near #Yakima, has it nearly paid for, has good garden. "On my own place I can't starve."
#washington #yakimavalley #bismark #chevy #480acres #workprojectsadministration #yakima
Untitled photo, possibly related to: #Washington, #YakimaValley. Drought refugee, aged sixty three, from #Bismark,NorthDakota. "Come to #Washington three years ago in that #Chevy coupe you see over there and twenty-five dollars cash. Had #480acres back there. I dried out after thirty years, lost it, and walked out." With help of #WorkProjectsAdministration WPA) and supplementary work on ranches is buying three quaters of an acre in shacktown near #Yakima, has it nearly paid for, has good garden. "On my own place I can't starve."
#washington #yakimavalley #bismark #chevy #480acres #workprojectsadministration #yakima
Just a leaving this right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLCkkrq417k (Sink the Bismark by Johnny Horton)
#histodons #history #bismark #worldwarii
27 de Mayo de 1941 al comprobar que no podía huir de sus perseguidores británicos ante los daños recibidos, el primer oficial Hans Oels ordena hundir el acorazado Bismark mediante la colocación de cargas explosivas. Solo 114 miembros de la tripulación sobrevivieron. #efemerides #Germany #unitedkingdom #ww2 #alemania #reinounido #Bismark #history #historia
#historia #history #bismark #reinounido #alemania #ww2 #unitedkingdom #Germany #efemerides
@coastgnu @StillIRise1963 @tofugolem
🥥 I learned in high world history class about #SocialSecurity being introduced by Chancelor #Bismark in 1883 in #Germany Do today's students in the USA even study world history any more? 🥥
#socialsecurity #bismark #Germany
24 de Mayo de de 1941 durante la Batalla del Estrecho de Dinamarca el acorazado alemán Bismark hunde el orgullo de de la Royal Navy, el crucero de batalla HMS Hood, cuando este, junto al resto de la flota, intentaba dar caza a los alemanes. #Efemerides #ww2 #Bismark #hood
#hood #bismark #ww2 #efemerides
#ScottBethke #HIVandAIDS #OutbreakAlert #Bismark #NorthDakota Alert! Scott Bethke - Bismark, North Dakota https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/46-scott-bethke-hivandaids.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#ScottBethke #HIVandAIDS #OutbreakAlert #bismark #northdakota
@magmasealion @geekgirl
I just sampled #Bismark and #TheLastStand. It's not for me.
No huhu. Some like Mozart, others like Motown, others still prefer Motörhead. Some even like Justin Bieber. Whatever floats your boat.
“Der alte Jude, das ist der Mann,” said German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck admiringly about British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.
“Der alte Jude, das ist der Mann,” said German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck admiringly about British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.
#ListeningTo The Chessmen – No More https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=Pq6Lqcn5yRo #Wah! #Bismark #BK1015 #Vinyl7Inch45RPMSingle #USofA #1966 #GarageRock
#bismark #BK1015 #Vinyl7Inch45RPMSingle #usofa #garagerock #listeningto #wah