Vous avez aimé le mythique #BitchesBrew de #MilesDavis ?
50 ans après, vous allez adorer #LondonBrew #Jazz #tootradio
#bitchesbrew #milesdavis #londonbrew #jazz #tootradio
van #AmericanIdol 2007.
In 2010 brengt ze het bejubelde #AnotherLifetime uit met oa #MikeStern en #VernonReid en zal ze ook deel uitmaken van de all star band die het album #BitchesBrew live brengt tijdens het San Francisco Jazz Festival en NYC winter jazzfest.
In 2010 springt ze ook in voor de zieke drummer van #Santana tijdens diens tournee, in juli zou dit tot een huwelijksaanzoek leiden door Santana en een huwelijk in december. Sindsdien is het koppel ook muzikaal onafscheidelijk.
#americanidol #anotherlifetime #mikestern #vernonreid #bitchesbrew #santana
What a great piece of #GenerativeMusic by Andy Honeybone using #Senode sequencer based on a transcription of #MilesDavis Pharaoh's Dance:
#generativemusic #senode #milesdavis #ios #music #jazz #bitchesbrew #nowplaying
London Brew
Grab the best players in the London jazz scene, tell them that they need to channel the spirit of Bitches Brew, have their concert series canceled due to the pandemic, and pop them in a studio for a few days...and this great, challenging-yet-listenable album is the result.
#fusion #bitchesbrew #milesdavis #vinyl #jazz
Night music
Live at the Fillmore East
#jazz #electricmiles #bitchesbrew #milesdavis
#NowPlaying: #WadadaLeoSmith - Fire Illuminations. Great funky #jazz in the #BitchesBrew tradition https://wadadaleosmith1.bandcamp.com/album/fire-illuminations
#nowplaying #wadadaleosmith #jazz #bitchesbrew
"Bitches Brew" by Miles Davis released this day in 1970.
#MilesDavis #BitchesBrew
#NowPlaying #StarPeople by #MilesDavis, cut by #RyanKSmith, again, courtesy of #VinylMePlease (this being the third from this month’s bundle).
I’m very new to Miles’ electric period - it took quite a while for me to begin to get #BitchesBrew. This, from 1983, is a very similar vibe, but perhaps a little more accessible. The title track, for example, is recognisably blues scales & riffs.
Again, this is impeccably mastered, pressed, & presented.
#nowplaying #starpeople #milesdavis #ryanksmith #vinylmeplease #bitchesbrew #nowlistening #vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz #music
First spin at new gaff.
Beginning of the weekend & #NowListening to #BitchesBrew by #MilesDavis.
It took me quite a while to begin to see the patterns in apparent randomness of this: but it’s grown on me & continues to fascinate.
This is the repress by #MobileFidelity at 33 1/3. I don’t yet have anything to compare this with (I’m awaiting the anniversary edition which, unlike this, is AAA). But as is generally the case with #MoFi Miles, this is dynamic, spacious, & detailed.
#nowlistening #bitchesbrew #milesdavis #mobilefidelity #mofi #nowplaying #vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz
Great Albums, 1970s, No. 21: #MilesDavis – #BitchesBrew (1970). One of the few convincing and challenging jazz-rock explorations. Expanding on 69’s In a Silent Way, Miles brought in Wayne Shorter, John McLaughlin, Chick Corea and others, panning multiple keyboards, basses and drums in stereo for a mind-expanding tour-de-force. Ted Macero’s editing turned mostly improvised takes into six long excursions that opened new vistas in the 1970s.
#GreatAlbums1970s, #Album, #Vinyl, #Jazz, #JazzFusion
#jazzfusion #Jazz #vinyl #album #greatalbums1970s #bitchesbrew #milesdavis
#LarksTonguesInAspic - #KingCrimson
#BitchesBrew - #MilesDavis
#TijuanaMoods - #CharlesMingus
#VictoriaLand - #CocteauTwins
#RainDogs - #TomWaits
#CloseToTheEdge - #Yes
#Stratosfear - #TangerineDream
Bonus: #SirHenryAtRawlinsonEnd - #VivianStanshall
#vivianstanshall #sirhenryatrawlinsonend #tangerinedream #stratosfear #yes #closetotheedge #tomwaits #raindogs #CocteauTwins #victorialand #charlesmingus #tijuanamoods #milesdavis #bitchesbrew #kingcrimson #LarksTonguesInAspic #7albumstoknowme
@Richard_Littler this is #Miles boiling down the formula that started with #BitchesBrew almost to its absolute essence - once he got Reggie Lucas on Agharta, Pangea and Dark Magus then that was the arrival at the dark heart of it all. I love it, but maybe not every single day, it's pretty intense, as you say.