
> "Introducing Fedi, the Global Adoption Technology"

Bah haha!

The website is hosted on Amazon servers and claims "increased privacy".

Further insult to injury, it has a "sign up" via email for "updates and early access" without having any PrivacyPolicy.


Says its a "" (typically *is* ).


#bitcoin #fediDotXYZ #LightningWallet #lightningnetwork #massSurviellance #fediXYZ #fediMint #bitcoinCoreFixesThis

Last updated 2 years ago

Bank accounts of frozen, and co-opted by the neofascist .

People in Canada are treated as both and

…because effective .

Its as if we haven't been saying . We repeat for emphasis *Bitcoin Core* (and other and systems).

And that 80% of the exchanges are flecking .

#canadians #bitcoinExchanges #corporateState #slaves #terrorists #protest #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #fullnode #fullCustody #cloudflare #notYourKeysNotYourBitcoin #runAFullNode #usetor #usei2p #bankerCrimes #technofascism #revolutionnow

Last updated 3 years ago

Weapons of Mass Vodka — or just for short.

Seriously we are waiting for the falseflag in about one month.

It will coincide nicely with the, "Oh, you thought we would taper and raise " ritualistic dance that does.

#WMV #cyberattack #interestrates #thefed #falseflag #stockmarket #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneroFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

In this instance it appears that was the server controlling the payment rail.

Akamai also serve a lot of the news, which in turn can affect .

There is an even greater payment controller than Akamai — .

In Australia they surveil 40% of our banks and are able to (and do) cut individuals from accessing their bank accounts.

We reported this two weeks ago.

Most concerning is their control of 80% of . Only .

(Not advice)

#akamai #finance #cloudflare #bitcoinExchanges #bitcoinCoreFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago


"Watch us launder the free money, suckers."

#nFTease #moneylaundering #bitcoinCoreFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

There were a number of reasons why we disliked eth from the time we first researched it. The main reason was it shunned the idea of , including, , ç

It would seem as though many people thought similarly.

Today, the token is looking highly centralised on .

This week, help just one person notice that the are largely a product for .

#monetisingEnergy #strandedEnergy #amazon #ethereumScamTokens #moneylaundering #wallstreet #bitcoinCoreFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

Think is the enemy™? You may have been 'd.

Over the past two decades easy has given us that are actively destroying civilisation now.

Yet have been so by 'bitcoin is the enemy' they are actively seeking to undermine a fundamental pillar in the fight for , to and to .


#bitcoin #cambridgeanalytica #monetarypolicy #dotcons #theCambridged #indoctrinated #tropes #degrowth #reclaimTheOpenWeb #reclaimHumanity #useBitcoinCore #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneyPrinterGoDrr #stopFiatCurrency #clownworld

Last updated 3 years ago

"Gotta engage in . Think of the premiums if a breakout started there!"

Seriously… f%cking ?!

Not a single person needs to worry about the health of firms.

They (et al) have a and they've been using it for almost two years to steal **** from us. Do we really think they are not those funds through first?

#medicalExperimentation #healthinsurance #premiums #moneyPump #tangibleAssets #moneylaundering #bigFinance #assetinflation #HowVeryKeynesian #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #australia

Last updated 3 years ago

Nice one, Karl. Only problem is we tried those three words for a long, long time. Now we're trying another three words.

Delete. Central. Banks.


#deleteCentralBanks #deleteCAGEFAM #bitcoinCoreFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

CYCLISTS IN AUSTRALIA set to sue businesses that are only open during the hottest parts of "the arvo"…

That's 'afternoon' in .

They claim such businesses fuel and , which include health and safety concerns.

"Banks for example should close at 12 midday and reopen at 5pm — not close at bloody 3PM!" said one .

#australian #carculture #airconditioning #cyclist #shouldBeARealNewsStory #publichealth #cycling #carDependency #ohs #energyWastage #waste #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneroFixesThis #australia

Last updated 3 years ago

A whopping 40% of 's banks and go through Cloudflare.

Australia is among the worst in the world when it comes to proxying through attacks.

To find out whether your bank is affected click on "Financial_<YOUR CONTINENT>" here:

There's other ways to check your bank too, but we'll discuss those another time.

#australia #creditunions #mitm #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #moneroFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

This is not about justice, its about punishing a real .

A journalist who has files on the likes of , and likely even more and international-scale (of which he has already helped to expose a great deal).

If you a part of this deathcult, we are here to tell you that you can hide behind your masks but when the time comes nothing can save you.

#showTrial #journalist #rupertmurdoch #merchantBankers #kleptocrats #bitcoinCoreFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago