If they don't get WW3 the destruction of the countries, including the will be a boost to other nations GDP.

As if is all that matters.

We are waiting for the -induced (we mean- ""-to-blame) any day now.

Our thoughts are cloudflare will attack . Its not hard. CloudFlare basically all of the .

Two birds — one .

#refugees #gdp #cloudflare #RussianAggression #cyberattack #cryptocurrencies #reverseproxy #bitcoinExchanges #falseflag #moneyPrinterGoDrr #CDNazism

Last updated 3 years ago

We say never convert back into , and stop using .

Almost all the bitcoin exchanges go through Cloudflare.

We advice to hold onto the bitcoin or monero, then use it when you find someone with a means of accepting it.

If the price of bitcoin at the time of use doesn't suit you negoiate a higher price, you don't need to accept the price on because they are now manipulated by cloudFlare, which is creating false illiquidity.

Charge what you need.

#fiatCurrency #exchanges #bitcoinExchanges

Last updated 3 years ago

Bank accounts of frozen, and co-opted by the neofascist .

People in Canada are treated as both and

…because effective .

Its as if we haven't been saying . We repeat for emphasis *Bitcoin Core* (and other and systems).

And that 80% of the exchanges are flecking .

#canadians #bitcoinExchanges #corporateState #slaves #terrorists #protest #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #fullnode #fullCustody #cloudflare #notYourKeysNotYourBitcoin #runAFullNode #usetor #usei2p #bankerCrimes #technofascism #revolutionnow

Last updated 3 years ago

In this instance it appears that was the server controlling the payment rail.

Akamai also serve a lot of the news, which in turn can affect .

There is an even greater payment controller than Akamai — .

In Australia they surveil 40% of our banks and are able to (and do) cut individuals from accessing their bank accounts.

We reported this two weeks ago.

Most concerning is their control of 80% of . Only .

(Not advice)

#akamai #finance #cloudflare #bitcoinExchanges #bitcoinCoreFixesThis

Last updated 3 years ago

Since 2013-2014 they have been working to subvert at the on-ramps.

On-ramps like and are now 80% , for example.

Fixing this means talking to people in your . We know this is hard, and made only more difficult with the . That is partly why we produced the (#)FediFlyer last year that you can give to ppl to highlight that there's another way outside of the of .

We don't have time left.

#bitcoin #bitcoinWebsite #bitcoinExchanges #cloudflare #LocalCommunity #pandemicFears #dotcons #cageFam

Last updated 3 years ago

Watching adopt via a wallet that appears to have been produced in the by ' and 's just makes us feel somewhat uneasy.

Is anyone else queasy?

If we lived in ElSalvador we'd move our $30 worth of the off the at the very first opportunity. We hope this is possible.

(not finance advice)

#elsalvador #bitcoin #usa #billgates #microsoft #lightninglabs #cryptocurrency #ChivoWallet #notYourKeysNotYourBitcoin #bitcoinExchanges #cloudflare #cyber #surveillance #usei2p #usetor

Last updated 3 years ago

Watch adopt via and wallet, that appears to have been produced in the by ' and 's just makes us feel somewhat uneasy.

Is anyone else queasy?

If we lived in ElSalvador we'd move our $30 worth of the off the at the very first opportunity. We hope this is possible.

(not finance advice)

#elsalvador #bitcoin #usa #billgates #microsoft #lightninglabs #cryptocurrency #ChivoWallet #notYourKeysNotYourBitcoin #bitcoinExchanges #cloudflare #cyber #surveillance #usei2p #usetor

Last updated 3 years ago

People are fine… they can be funny at times, but are generally great, yes.

Its when they are and put through a Combiner when you really need to worry.

Most so-called alternative sites today are, Cloudflared, chanBoards, dissenter, , gab, , discord, , countless etc.


#harvested #cloudflare #minds #qanon #bitcoinExchanges #altmedia #theCrowd #extremism #MitMAAS

Last updated 3 years ago

Freedom is the reason for anonymity.

You can say the truth without being set upon by rabid hateGroups mobilised on psyops.

So yes, given that all of 's products are Cloudflare (ie. , etc) he is actually just .

Pot-calling-kettle-black and all that stuff.

@RobinWils @polarisera

#cloudflare #AndrewTorba #dissenter #gab #projecting #hypocrisy #bitcoinExchanges #surviellance

Last updated 3 years ago

For those concerned about the dodgy proprietary app, , blocking trades, (and the entire generally) has its own threat.

It's called Cloudflare.

You can bet that blocks trades at strategic times to interfere with and suppress .

#robinhood #bitcoinExchanges #bankingSystem #bitcoin #cloudflare

Last updated 4 years ago

Yes, its a weird dilemma having both and CF on . One would expect that over time and if used properly the coins might become less "known" by those sordid, .

There are things that people can do to reduce the impact of them but yes, megaCorporations will try to undermine because they know 'where there bread is buttered'.

People going in now need to be a bit cautious.

#google #bitcoinExchanges #monopolistic #corporations #btc

Last updated 4 years ago

In some ways , being is creepier than even , we know what Google is doing they are using humans to train .

Has anyone identified what Cloudflare are doing with their data? Don't believe for a second that they don't harvest data, that's part of their job.

#hCaptcha #cloudflare #google #selfDrivingCars #deeplearning #neuralnetworking #ai #bitcoinExchanges #monopoly #InternetTakeover

Last updated 4 years ago

The other day when we visited they had a banner asking for support. It was weird because they are supposedly , which implies… …certain things.

If they are getting confused they need to find a way to reign that in.

One of the main gripes we have with the site is its served by .

Funny how most are also now Cloudflare and today traders are complaining about . *wink*


#bitcoiners #cloudflare #bitcoinExchanges #outages #bitcoin #frontrunning #centralisation

Last updated 4 years ago


Cloucflare seem to gather information on via , , and the etc and then use other assets they control (, , , etc) to produce semi-automated attacks as desired. We were blocked by a ally in this week who is afraid to use . We broached this subject but they thought we were making light of doxxing (they were a victim of due to it!).


#progressives #changedotorg #bitcoinExchanges #patreon #fediverse #chans #bitchute #infowars #gab #doxxing #canada #hashtags #physicalViolence

Last updated 5 years ago