@thenewoil @GhostOnTheHalfShell
Maybe Australia is not as enlighted a country as it seems but now that education is fairly widespread, usury and debt are not as easy to use, people resist it because they understand how bad it is. They are less inclined to resist moneyPrinting as a form of theft or #wealthTransfer if it doesn't directly affect them. So we strongly believe a #BitcoinStandard can restore balance.
Sadly, CreditUnions in Australia are all Cloudflare, Amazon and Akamai.
#wealthTransfer #bitcoinStandard
2018: OMG #bitcoin is a disaster! According to the university ot consumes the equivalent of everyone boiling 0.17 of a kettleā¦ the world will surely be destroyed by 2020!!!!1
2021: Many are using #streamingServices now but are they really bad for the #environment? A study finds that an hour of #videoStreaming consumes 55gCO2e "comparable to boiling an electric kettle three times". We just need to watch on smaller screens and lobby govt to decarbonise the grid.
#bitcoin #streamingservices #environment #Videostreaming #doublestandard #bitcoinStandard
Fiat makes society (and the economy) work for a very few, laundering our perception of #capitalism for #corporateState gain. Also they sink markets at *their* convenience.
Although its likely that we will recreate some money losing structures on a #BitcoinStandard, like #Hollywood, it will be orders of magnitude more humble.
A BitcoinStandard makes #corrections happen sooner and closer to where they are needed. As such creating its own #resiliency.
#capitalism #corporateState #bitcoinStandard #hollywood #corrections #resiliency
To #torrent #JohnBolton's (read:the #warmonger's) book, are they using #BitlyBT over #i2p, or #i2pSnark?
#defundThePentagon #useTor #bitcoin #silentProtest #securityState #militaryIndustrialComplex #iran #iraq #russiagate #moneyPrinterGoBrr #ponziScheme #letItRip #extinctionRebellion #oilWars #venezuela #spain #italy #germany #defundTheWarMongers #bitcoinStandard #bitcoinVsPoliticalPower
#torrent #johnbolton #warmonger #BitlyBT #i2p #i2pSnark #defundThePentagon #usetor #bitcoin #SilentProtest #securitystate #militaryindustrialcomplex #iran #iraq #russiagate #moneyPrinterGoBrr #ponzischeme #letItRip #extinctionrebellion #oilwars #venezuela #spain #italy #germany #defundTheWarMongers #bitcoinStandard #bitcoinVsPoliticalPower
Banker #bailouts are a form of looting by stealth.
#billionaireClass #socialismForTheRich #cantillionaire #cantillonEffect #looting #inflation #centralbanking #keynesianism #qe #wallstreet #bankers #fundingBothSidesOfWar #warIsARacket #militarisation #warOnThePoor #billgates #humanEnergy #divideAndRule #leftVsRight #falseChoice #moneyPrimary #riggedPrimaries #bernieOrVest #austrianSchool #economics #bitcoinStandard
#bailouts #billionaireclass #socialismfortherich #cantillionaire #cantilloneffect #looting #inflation #centralBanking #keynesianism #QE #wallstreet #bankers #fundingBothSidesOfWar #warisaracket #militarisation #warOnThePoor #billgates #humanEnergy #divideandrule #leftVsRight #falseChoice #moneyPrimary #riggedprimaries #BernieOrVest #austrianSchool #economics #bitcoinStandard
"If you can't beat 'em, drop #depletedUranuim on them and produce deformed and damaged #children."
The new mantra of the US and its allies we suspect.
#CantillonEffect #moneyPrinting #warIsARacket #smedleyButler #imperialists #ushegemony #nuclear #nuclearEnergy #colonialWars #oilWars #rationing #fiatCollapse #bitcoinStandard
#depletedUranuim #children #cantilloneffect #moneyPrinting #warisaracket #SmedleyButler #imperialists #ushegemony #nuclear #nuclearEnergy #colonialWars #oilwars #rationing #fiatCollapse #bitcoinStandard