Over past several months we've realised that the whole notion of and managing your own data is under threat.

The loss of the in computers…

The -will-run--in--and-give-you-a-remote-view-of-what-it-might-see problem.

The wholesale takeover of

Its **our collective duty** to stop it, and to help other to end the trend, by demanding better.

Educate. . Educate.

Don't let them break computing because .

#computing #DVDDrives #cloudflare #webbrowser #thecloud #cloudstorage #educate #bitcoinWar

Last updated 3 years ago

Are they preparing to bring down . Take a look at the headlines from the of Australia, the .


Also see the kind of extremely superficial reporting on , and how they are trying to condition into embracing , and being a for the benefit of the regime.

#TheInternet #NationalBroadcaster #australianbroadcastingcorporation #theUkraine #Australians #ww3 #martyr #neonazi #solarstorm #solarFlare #bitcoinWar #legacymedia #repitition #hypnosis

Last updated 3 years ago

EU to ban and .

"European Commission President announced on Sunday that the will ban Russian media outlets above accusing them of spreading "".

"In what she called an "" step, (she) announced that "we will ban in the the Kremlin's media machine."

"We are toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe."


#rt #sputniknews #UrsulavonderLeyen #eu #harmfulDisinfomation #unprecidented #europeanunion #developingToolsToBan #RTBan #bitcoinWar #disinfo

Last updated 3 years ago

We think you might be onto something here. The whole thing has written all over it, but will hear what has to say.

During the in the , they cut for people, too. Not that we condone that sort of thing.

, much?

We hope to learn more on this.

#cuba #colourRevolution #usa #doublestandard #colorrevolution #RichardMedhurst #protests #TheInternet #regimechange #oilwar #bitcoinWar #proxywar #venezuela #elsalvador #china #russia

Last updated 3 years ago

We would share this if it started. "Your schools must close, your elderly can't be visited…"

#covidPanic #plebs #chinaWar #bitcoinWar #maximumEfficiency #eugenics

Last updated 4 years ago