New laws adopted by some #USMetropolis and blindly followed by the #EU, decrees that 'man' pages must be renamed to 'unk' pages.
'unk' = unknown
#identityPolitics #identityLeft #unknown #manPages #genderPolitics #identitarianism #supremeCourt #asTheWorldBurns #thisIsFine #bitcoinWar #skit
#USMetropolis #eu #identitypolitics #identityLeft #unknown #manpages #genderPolitics #identitarianism #supremecourt #asTheWorldBurns #thisisfine #bitcoinWar #skit
Over past several months we've realised that the whole notion of #computing and managing your own data is under threat.
The loss of the #DVDDrives in computers…
The #CloudFlare-will-run-#webBrowser-in-#theCloud-and-give-you-a-remote-view-of-what-it-might-see problem.
The wholesale takeover of #cloudStorage…
Its **our collective duty** to stop it, and to help other to end the trend, by demanding better.
Educate. #Educate. Educate.
Don't let them break computing because #bitcoinWar.
#computing #DVDDrives #cloudflare #webbrowser #thecloud #cloudstorage #educate #bitcoinWar
Are they preparing to bring down #theInternet. Take a look at the headlines from the #nationalBroadcaster of Australia, the #AustralianBroadcastingCorporation.
Also see the kind of extremely superficial reporting on #theUkraine, and how they are trying to condition #Australians into embracing #ww3, and being a #martyr for the benefit of the #neoNazi regime.
#solarStorm #solarFlare #bitcoinWar #legacyMedia #repitition #hypnosis
#TheInternet #NationalBroadcaster #australianbroadcastingcorporation #theUkraine #Australians #ww3 #martyr #neonazi #solarstorm #solarFlare #bitcoinWar #legacymedia #repitition #hypnosis
EU to ban #RT and #SputnikNews.
"European Commission President #UrsulaVonDerLeyen announced on Sunday that the #EU will ban Russian media outlets above accusing them of spreading "#harmfulDisinfomation".
"In what she called an "#unprecidented" step, (she) announced that "we will ban in the #EuropeanUnion the Kremlin's media machine."
"We are #developingToolsToBan toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe."
#rt #sputniknews #UrsulavonderLeyen #eu #harmfulDisinfomation #unprecidented #europeanunion #developingToolsToBan #RTBan #bitcoinWar #disinfo
We think you might be onto something here. The whole #Cuba thing has #ColourRevolution written all over it, but will hear what #RichardMedhurst has to say.
During the #protests in the #USA, they cut #theInternet for people, too. Not that we condone that sort of thing.
#DoubleStandard, much?
We hope to learn more on this.
#regimeChange #colorRevolution #oilWar #bitcoinWar #proxyWar #Venezuela #ElSalvador #China #Russia
#cuba #colourRevolution #usa #doublestandard #colorrevolution #RichardMedhurst #protests #TheInternet #regimechange #oilwar #bitcoinWar #proxywar #venezuela #elsalvador #china #russia
We would share this if it started. "Your schools must close, your elderly can't be visited…"
#covidPanic #plebs #chinaWar #bitcoinWar #maximumEfficiency #eugenics
#covidPanic #plebs #chinaWar #bitcoinWar #maximumEfficiency #eugenics