test by having the student close their eyes and guess the weight of various newton weights placed in their hands. After they've got it, repeat with various everyday objects of known weight in newtons.
pascals is harder, but the skin is actually a pressure detector, so it should be possible.
in both cases I thnik the hardest part would be class size: how do you get a teaching method that scales to class sizes above 20? How about above 100?
#biteforce #physics #Newton #dinosaur #teaching
almost every time I read a popular article, or listen to podcast that covers bite force of an animal (living or extinct), it seems the authors have no idea what a newton is, what a pascal is, how or these units differ.
Nobody is taught this! But it seems possible to teach people a "feel" for what a newton is by having them hold newton weights, saying "think about the downward force you're feeling. It's 2 (example) newtons."
#biteforce #physics #Newton #dinosaur #teaching
Megalodon jaws were lined with 276 teeth, and had a bite force 10x stronger than a great white shark.
#science #sciencefacts #megalodon #shark #teeth #biteforce
#science #sciencefacts #megalodon #shark #teeth #biteforce