Dead languages being kept alive... 4000years ago: #ancient #history #sumerian #Mesopotamia #BiteMe #akkadian
#ancient #sumerian #akkadian #history #biteme #mesopotamia
The kind of quality content you don’t get (or want) on other social media sites. Huzzahhhh!
#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #horror #comedy #tubi #film #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #mastomovies #filmastodon #BiteMe #ErinBrown #MistyMundae #BrettPiper #RobMonkiewicz #SylvianneChebance #JulianWells
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #horror #comedy #tubi #film #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #mastomovies #filmastodon #biteme #erinbrown #mistymundae #brettpiper #robmonkiewicz #sylviannechebance #julianwells
Avril Lavigne Performs ‘Bite Me’ ft. Travis Barker
#AvrilLavigne #avrillavignebitemecover #avrillavignebitemeliveperformance #avrillavignebitemelyrics #avrillavignebitemereaction #avrillavignegirlfriend #AvrilLavigneSongs #biteme #Ellen #ellendegeneres #ellenfarewellseason #ellenfinalseason #ellennewseason #ellenseason19 #ellenseason19premiere #ellenseasonpremiere #ellenshow #ellentickets #ellentube #PopPunk #Sk8rBoi #theellenshow #TravisBarker #watchellen #アヴリル・ラヴィーン
#avrillavigne #avrillavignebitemecover #avrillavignebitemeliveperformance #avrillavignebitemelyrics #avrillavignebitemereaction #avrillavignegirlfriend #avrillavignesongs #biteme #ellen #ellendegeneres #ellenfarewellseason #ellenfinalseason #ellennewseason #ellenseason19 #ellenseason19premiere #ellenseasonpremiere #ellenshow #ellentickets #ellentube #poppunk #sk8rboi #theellenshow #travisbarker #watchellen #アヴリル・ラヴィーン
#8loom #avex #aえグループ #BEFIRST #BiteMe #BMSG #Da-iCE #DARKBLOOD #DUNK #ENHYPEN #FAKY #genic #Hey!Say!JUMP #INI #IVE #LINECUBE #live #LIVE映像 #musicるTV #nissy #scene #SEVENTEEN #アイエヌアイ #アイブ #アニメ #アリーナツアー #エイベ #エイベックス #おはスタ #ジェニック #すとぷり #セブチ #ゼンカイジャー #ダイス #ダンス #ちゃんみな #とぎもち #なにわ男子 #にっしー #ヒャダイン #ヘイセイジャンプ #マーゼル #ライブ #中町綾 #増子敦貴 #宇井優良梨 #小池竜暉 #工藤大輝 #平成ジャンプ #沖縄ツアー #男女混合 #西本茉生 #西澤呈 #金谷鞠杏 #雨宮翔 #엔하이픈
#8loom #avex #aえグループ #befirst #biteme #bmsg #da #darkblood #dunk #enhypen #faky #genic #hey #ini #ive #linecube #live #live映像 #musicるtv #nissy #scene #seventeen #アイエヌアイ #アイブ #アニメ #アリーナツアー #エイベ #エイベックス #おはスタ #ジェニック #すとぷり #セブチ #ゼンカイジャー #ダイス #ダンス #ちゃんみな #とぎもち #なにわ男子 #にっしー #ヒャダイン #ヘイセイジャンプ #マーゼル #ライブ #中町綾 #増子敦貴 #宇井優良梨 #小池竜暉 #工藤大輝 #平成ジャンプ #沖縄ツアー #男女混合 #西本茉生 #西澤呈 #金谷鞠杏 #雨宮翔 #엔하이픈
I truly don't understand negative reactions for introducing female dancers to the choreography.
Are they perhaps thinking that the song targets Korean fans only? It's obvious that without an international market k-pop wouldn't be so popular, hence the lyrics in English
Him: 'so you wanna be my equasion?'
her: 'I'd rather be your solution'😏 #nerdsFlirting #Valentine #biteMe 😎
#biteme #valentine #nerdsflirting
Haha I got something to say!
……It’s better to burn out……
…………….than fade away…………….
#totallyunoriginal #biteme #80s #throwback #psyc
#BiteMe, Bigo
Jan. 6 intruder who sat at #Pelosi’s desk convicted on all charges
The obstruction of Congress count could lead to 20 years in prison for Richard Barnett.
#hardarsery #softsquishies #trees:
hard hearts harken: he who hates is he who is hated. Build your racist, ignorant, phobic fortress in the arctic #chillout
Soft souls be told: she who shares is she who dares. Don't dwell in Dogville, your precious presents are but brittle bones #biteme
Apr 12, 2016 8:40pm
be a tree. Hold naught save leaves. Be grounded, but be free. Have nutty dreams and fruity friends. It ain't easy being green, but ohh what a beautiful end
Apr 23, 2016 2:41pm
#hardarsery #softsquishies #trees #chillout #biteme
@macmcdonald Bravo, @RepSeitz156 for #InspiredLeadership re #Unconstitutionality of #EOs, esp re #biteme sigs >
#biteme #eos #Unconstitutionality #InspiredLeadership
Shoulda known better #biteme #avrillavigne #travisbarker #dtarecords
#biteme #AVrilLavigne #travisbarker #dtarecords
I get made fun of all the time for not following recipes.
Don’t care.
No Kraft Russian dressing? Made my own. No apricot jam? Used marmalade.
And it’ll be DELICIOUS. #BiteMe
I have made a playlist of #Xmas songs and I am listening to it. Right now.
#xmas #biteme #noregrets #joytotheworld
Both Koume & Vampires Love Blood
Koume Shirasaka has been attacked and turned by a mysterious vampire! She may be frowning but she actually would love to be a real vampire.
#shirasakakoume #idolmaster #vampire #biteme #cinderellagirls
#idolmaster #biteme #shirasakakoume #vampire #cinderellagirls
@Patriot_PDkhov Er, #biteme may well disintegrate first; hairy-arse can go back to haiti, pelousy and choomer can take dirt naps, and the other thugs -- which include, imo, the b0, brennan, clapper, romney, clittons, wray and all others who would Attempt to insult and destroy this G-d Blessed, Judeo-Christian, Constitutional Republic.