#bitemodel #mindcontrol #authoritarianism #ReligiousTrauma If a parent, pastor, or partner is pressuring you to:
1. Look or act a certain way 2. Avoid articles criticizing their beliefs 3. Avoid nuance & instead think in rigid terms 4. Feel guilt, shame, or fear - IT’S TIME TO RE-EVALUATE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM. Learn about Dr. Steve Hassan’s BITE Model of Authoritarian Control here: https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/
#ReligiousTrauma #authoritarianism #mindcontrol #bitemodel
#cults #CultHopping #ReligiousTrauma #coercivecontrol #BITEModel #CriticalThinking #therapist If you grew up in a fundy family, you were primed to feel comfortable in high-demand, coercive groups/religions/cults/relationships. Before joining yet another group with the same dynamics, measure it against the BITE Model: https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/?fbclid=IwAR1hVf12wVANS8FBNpHyuzUMFoINrzyZP3SySZk5GQ3qqEbdMADh1mtvj1U
#therapist #criticalthinking #bitemodel #coercivecontrol #ReligiousTrauma #culthopping #cults
A lot of Elmo's recent moves play into the #BITEmodel of control created by @cultexpert.
B - behavior
I - Information (this one ^^)
T - thought
E - emotion
#bitemodel #CultOfPersonality #fascism #authoritarianism #elon #cult