neville park · @nev
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Exciting news: I actually got a _Larinioides_ orbweaver to bite me! It must've been hungry because it totally went for it. It was medium-sized for the species—they are somewhat smaller than _A. diadematus_ when full grown—and I was surprised I could feel it at all.

As expected, it was a tiny stinging pinch, comparable to a mild ant sting/bite. The stinging sensation continued after the spider was gently removed, and there was also a small bump at the site. Both disappeared completely after some minutes.

In about a decade(!) of getting up close and personal with these spiders, this is the first time one has actually envenomated me. Even when handled or offered a finger, they almost always flee, or else are indifferent once they realize I am not a bug. Consistent with spider behaviour in general, you really have to go out of your way and try to get them to bite you.

#spiders #bitereport #donttrythisathome

Last updated 1 year ago