Psyched to see #Bitergia Network Analysis showcased today at #openinfrasummit
More about #GrimoireLab: (based on 15+ years of research on the topic from early #MetricsGrimoire tools)
And #Bitergia, the project founders, with 10+ years of experience as a company and 20+ years of research background:
#grimoirelab #metricsgrimoire #bitergia
RT @dizquierdo
Trying new ways to navigate through several projects in the same #dashboard with #Bitergia Analytics, kudos to @alpgarcia :).
Any comments about this new entry page for a single dashboard with multiple projects?
New #Bitergia panels to analyze engagement, growth, efficiency, organizational diversity, and much more in software dev projects
#Bitergia is upgrading its customers dashboards to latest #GrimoireLab release that includes new dashboard features.. Don't miss them to build your custom community analytics dashboard!