#10yrsago This is the #crypto standard that the NSA sabotaged https://archive.nytimes.com/bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/10/government-announces-steps-to-restore-confidence-on-encryption-standards/
#10yrsago How the feds asked Microsoft to backdoor #BitLocker, their full-disk #encryption tool https://mashable.com/archive/fbi-microsoft-bitlocker-backdoor
#10yrsago US #border #LaptopSearches: the other #WarrantlessSurveillance https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/documents-shed-light-border-laptop-searches
#10yrsago Knife use workshops for kids https://web.archive.org/web/20130913132151/http://www.nepafamily.com/events/sharp-kids/
#10yrsago Scholar shows ‘three strikes’ programs don’t reduce #piracy https://www.itnews.com.au/news/three-strikes-laws-do-not-reduce-online-piracy-study-356360
#10yrsago #crypto #bitlocker #encryption #border #laptopsearches #warrantlessSurveillance #piracy
Aaaalso. Ganz naheliegend: #BitLocker deaktivieren. #TPM löschen. Zittern. BitLocker wieder aktivieren. Bei jedem Konto die PIN-Rücksetzung starten und wieder mit dem #Microsoft Konto verbinden.
Hätte ich auch direkt wissen können... 🙌
Updates haben nichts gebracht. Ich hab BitLocker deaktiviert. Jetzt bootet er logischer Weise ordentlich. Jetzt kann ich #BitLocker aber nicht wieder aktivieren. "Ein interner Fehler wurde festgestellt."
#Windows #Windows10 #thinkpad
#bitlocker #windows #windows10 #thinkpad
Rescue when you forget #bitlocker disc password https://www.errno.fr/BypassingBitlocker.html
Bypassing Bitlocker With A Logic Analzyer | Hackaday
"Bypassing Bitlocker using a cheap logic analyzer on a Lenovo laptop"
If you have been stupid enough to loose your bitlocker key, and the original computer is toast, can you take out the drive, put it in a USB drive holder, and then boot from the external drive ?
#Bitlocker #Microsoft #encryption
many google hits offer the helpful advice that you can format the drive
#encryption #Microsoft #bitlocker
no es necesario instalar #software adicional para descifrar una partición #Bitlocker de WIn10 desde un #Tails , acá los pasos: https://cacu.tech/tails/bitlocker/cifrado/2023/07/07/Descifrar-bitlocker-tails.html #cifrado #softwarelibre
#softwarelibre #cifrado #tails #bitlocker #software
@condret @feld @alex Ah nice, wasn't sure if #Bitlocker is 100% legit or not
Apropos "Fort Knox für die Datenspeicher" …
Ich hoffe, Ihr wisst, dass #Bitlocker den Mechanismus der Ransomware nachahmt und eigentlich bereits seit einigen Versionen von Windows existiert und von daher auch sicher sein müsste.
Meine Erfahrung rät mir, die Finger von solchen Systemen zu lassen, denn der naheliegende Datenverlust ist eine Unsicherheit, die ich mir bei meiner Arbeitsweise — mal rasant schnell und dann wieder im Schneckentempo … eben kreativ — absolut nicht leisten kann.
My experiment of using a #bitlocker encrypted USB stick at work is a failure. Despite what I was led to believe, it did not work on macOS and it also didn't work on devices with IoT versions of #windows
Voll reingetreten Junge!
#bitlocker #dummheit #sysadmin
#Bitlocker-to-Go unter #Linux öffnen - pctipp.ch https://www.pctipp.ch/praxis/verschluesselung/bitlocker-to-go-unter-linux-oeffnen-2863602.html
"A new paper released by security researchers at the Technical University of Berlin reveals that #AMD's firmware-based Trusted Platform Module (#fTPM / #TPM) can be fully compromised via a voltage fault injection attack, thus allowing full access to the cryptographic data held inside the fTPM in an attack called '#faulTPM.' Ultimately this allows an attacker to fully compromise any application or encryption, like #BitLocker, that relies solely upon TPM-based security."
#amd #ftpm #tpm #faultpm #bitlocker
Let's see how much time I can endure with my "always with me, multipurpose" USB stick being #bitlocker encrypted. It is the most convenient solution I could find, but still I was unable to easily transfer some files today because the #ubuntu computer in the uni couldn't decrypt it.
Thank you to whoever suggested to encrypt my usb stick using #Bitlocker. It works exacly as I wanted: plug the USB stick, get prompted for a password bot in #Windows and #Linux. No software or setup needed.
Ad oggi ci sono tre modi di configurare #BitLocker via #Intune: Disk Encryption (Endpoint Security), Template e Settings Catalog.
Ho provato quest'ultima modalità perché volevo capire che vantaggi offrisse rispetto agli altri metodi: ecco la mia esperienza!
📺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61kL8OhEvYc
E voi come configurate BitLocker via Intune? Con i Template, attraverso la sezione Disk Encryption (Endpoint Security) o state già usando il Settings Catalog? Parliamone insieme!
#bitlocker #Intune #itspecialistcloud #microsoft365
Did you know that #Windows doesn't have effective full disk #encryption (#FDE) by default even when #BitLocker is activated?
The #TPM-only-method is as "secure" as an unencrypted disk because your disk is automatically unlocked when booting that system.
You need to enable a mandatory PIN for booting your system in order to prevent data theft when your device gets stolen.
That's bad #security theater & tells you something about security decisions by MS. 🤷
How to fix: https://www.howtogeek.com/262720/how-to-enable-a-pre-boot-bitlocker-pin-on-windows/
#windows #encryption #FDE #bitlocker #TPM #security
Making of del prossimo video 🤟🏻
#BitLocker via #Intune Settings Catalog 🔐
#bitlocker #Intune #itspecialistcloud