It's about to get #bittercold in my neck of the woods. Friendly reminder that if it's too cold for you, it's too cold for your pets!
And don't forget to leave a faucet or two on slow drip mode to help keep your pipes from freezing. 🥶
@GurdeepPandher Great Sales Pitch but No Way! To quote Christopher Ingraham at WaPo “By about 30 below the cold doesn’t feel like cold anymore — it’s just pure, unadulterated pain; a sharp, burning sensation. After a few moments, the burning gives way to a deep, dull ache that feels like it’s radiating from your bones.” #bittercold
I'm preparing for the bitter cold that is coming. I temporarily moved my office out of the back room which is right in the path of the bitter winds and will be harder to keep warm in this 100+-year-old house. #gettingready #bittercold #winter #thisoldhouse #bigpoppaken
#gettingready #bittercold #winter #thisoldhouse #bigpoppaken
MikeMorganKFOR: I don't always track cold fronts well over a week in advance, but when I do, it's SIBERIAN. Translation: UGH. #okwx #wxtwitter #BitterCold #ArcticVortex #WindChill @kfor 12.16.22
#okwx #wxtwitter #bittercold #arcticvortex #windchill
MikeMorganKFOR: If someone tries to get fancy next week and throw out "It's the Polar Vortex!!" at you, tell them "Nope! It's the Arctic Vortex!!" HAHA #okwx #ArcticVortex #BitterCold 12.14.22
#okwx #arcticvortex #bittercold
MikeMorganKFOR: “That’ll Get Your Attention” #okwx #siberianexpress #polarvortex #bittercold @kfor 12.13.22
#okwx #siberianexpress #polarvortex #bittercold
MikeMorganKFOR: WhoooWheeeee!! WOWZA! #okwx #wxtwitter #SiberianExpress #Snow #Bittercold 12.12.22 1PM
#okwx #wxtwitter #siberianexpress #snow #bittercold