Got called money hungry by a client again today. Over a medically necessary $95 service. During a 20-minute after hours phone call.
So that was fun.
The punchline: the average salary in the client's profession is 4X a veterinarian's.
And his genetically ...umm... interesting purebred dog cost $5K+.
(Fellow vets, you can probably guess the breed.)
#VeterinaryMedicine #NOMV #veterinarian #ItsNotAllCutePuppiesAndKittens #BitterPartyOfOne
#veterinarian #bitterpartyofone #itsnotallcutepuppiesandkittens #nomv #veterinarymedicine
Got called money hungry by a client again today. Over a well earned and medically necessary $95.
So that was fun.
The punchline: the average salary in the client's profession is 4X a vet's.
And his genetic disaster of a purebred dog cost $5K+.
#VeterinaryMedicine #NOMV #ItsNotAllCutePuppiesAndKittens #BitterPartyOfOne
#bitterpartyofone #itsnotallcutepuppiesandkittens #nomv #veterinarymedicine