A new study reveals how inflammation affects the genes that encode bitter taste receptors in our taste buds. The researchers found that inflammation makes mice more sensitive to bitter tastes, which may explain why we lose appetite when sick. The study also used a novel sequencing technique to uncover how epigenetic mechanisms regulate taste-cell gene expression and function. #bittertaste #inflammation #epigenetics https://neurosciencenews.com/taste-inflammation-genetics-23823/
#bittertaste #inflammation #epigenetics
The Jain Heritage Foundation's historic pilgrimage to Pakistan, expressing gratitude while highlighting some peculiar incidents
#JainGroup #LahoreVisit #BitterTaste #LetterDetailsConstantNuisance #Pakistani
#jaingroup #lahorevisit #bittertaste #letterdetailsconstantnuisance #pakistani
Momentan irgendwie Lust auf Billy Idol
#music #BillyIdol #BitterTaste
#music #billyidol #bittertaste