Ein neuer Forumbeitrag: https://linux-nerds.org/topic/1501/links-zu-vaultwarden 1501/links-zu-vaultwarden #vaultwarden #bitwarden #linux
#vaultwarden #bitwarden #linux
Ce matin, mon gestionnaire de mot de passe (#Bitwarden) m'indique que j'ai un paramètre de sécurité à améliorer. Je fais ça ; il me prévient que je vais devoir me réauthentifier. Pas de soucis, je connais le login et le mot de passe par cœur, et le code 2FA m'est donné par une autre appli. Allez hop, on lance la mise à jour, je cherche l'autre appli et... ah oui, il me faut un mot de passe pour y accéder, mot de passe enregistré dans ... Bitwarden évidemment 😱
I hate #2FA so much. How can I make it so that I can still access #github without my phone after enabling the now mandatory 2FA?
I'm not interested in manually copying codes over to every single machine I may be interested in logging in from. Ideally, I should be able to log in from any device where I can access my password manager (#bitwarden).
Overall, I'm disgusted by the use of 2FA as a mechanism to shove Apple and Google into *even more* vital positions in our lives.
#2fa #github #bitwarden #security
Do you use #Bitwarden? Do you also use #Linux or #SteamDeck?
The #Flatpak is a community effort, automated from the official release. That feels a bit off for your password manager; thing that holds all your secrets.
A community post from 2021 asking them to maintain it only got 211 votes, 117 likes, and 46 comments but over 10k views. I and other #OpenSource folks commented and said we'd be happy to help, but never heard back.
Maybe give the post some attention?
#bitwarden #linux #steamdeck #flatpak #opensource
It took me six months, but I have successfully migrated from #lastpass to #bitwarden. Why six months? Well, I had to move all the logins over, then go from site to site and change every password. I did about a handful every few days. What a pain. I never want to do that again. Thankfully, Bitwarden is pretty swank.
Oops, I didn't realise Ubuntu LTS 18 has an expiry date. Oh well guess I can step back and think about my options for my #bitwarden server.
Tried another round of experimentation with #BitWarden, because I like that it’s both open source and made by a company big enough to do real audits, but #Strongbox is just such a clearly better product, I can’t help but go back. Great indie password manager: open source, cloud-agnostic, and native.
I really want to switch to @bitwarden, but it still doesn’t have nearly as many categories as 1Password. I like to keep my passwords, software licenses, memberships, etc. nice and organized. I could use folders, but it’s just not the same with the included fields and I use folders for different purposes.
Debian Package für #vaultwarden ist aktuell auf v1.29.2
#vaultwarden #linux #bitwarden
I' using @Bitwarden personally #bitwarden, and welp. I wish they would do that automatically instead of keepng the original low value from account creation.
Get your #Yubikey ready, WebAuthn will soon be a free feature for #Bitwarden users.
#bitwarden #passwords #yubikey
If I pay for the subscription then import my 1Password database into #Bitwarden, will the file attachments be included? They aren’t supported with free accounts so I can’t test it first.
@pavel @bitwarden je super a používám ho, také na doporučení kamaráda, už pár let.
Jakou má ale výhodu používat vault co veřejně hostuje třeba právě @archlinux ?
Rozumím výhodám self-hostování vlastního vaultu, i když bych se teda bál faktu, že sám řeším zabezpečení. Tím spíš bych zrovna toto nechal na #Bitwarden a ne na (s prominutím) random komunitě/providerovi, kterého najdu na netu.
Budu rád, když mě případně vyvedete z omylu.
Nebuď jako kamarád! Začni řešit hesla!
Pořiď si aspoň Bitwarden!
Toto vlákno sponzoruje Arch Linux a #bitwarden
@miv403 Not while #selfhosting #Bitwarden. Complete copy of the instance makes for a viable disaster solution.
My company just started enforcing more browser settings and deactivated my #Bitwarden and #Floccus extensions.
Back to the dark ages I guess ☹️
- Nous avons un environnement machine et logiciel #Apple à la maison, le système intégré est en xp actuellement. Semble pas mal, mais insuffisant.
- Au final, c'est la solution #Bitwarden qui tient la corde. Simple, pas cher, efficace, et propose également via des API des adresses mails uniques. Parfait pour accompagner #Fastmail que nous utilisons au quotidien.
Test de Proton Pass. Je rame...! 2 ans d'habitudes avec #bitwarden ça ne s'efface pas d'un revers de main.