@mehreenfaruqi Please excuse my contacting you directly on this but ATAGI are dragging their heels with potentially serious impact. I can’t comment on ATAGI’s medical expertise but I can laud their political skills. Waiting to see if Australians start dying in large numbers again before making the bivalent vaccine available to the general population is cynical and irresponsible. Like Bridget McKenzie saving flood relief money for a rainy day #ATAGI #BivalentVaccineNow #Australia
#Australia #bivalentvaccinenow #ATAGI
Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI)
I not qualified to comment on ATAGI’s medical expertise but I can laud their political skills. Waiting to see if Australians start dying in large numbers again before making the bivalent vaccine available to the general population is cynical and irresponsible. Like Bridget McKenzie saving flood relief money for a rainy day #ATAGI #BivalentVaccineNow #Australia
#Australia #bivalentvaccinenow #ATAGI