*Deadline Day for Bisexual Research Event 2023*
25 August is deadline day for your submissions to the Bisexual+ Research, Activism, and Community Event 2023.
This event will provide a positive and safe space to share communal insights on bi+ identities and orientations.
When: 29-30 september 2023
Where: online
#Academics #Activism #BiPlus #Bisexual #Bisexuality #BisexualResearch #BisexualResearchGroup #BiVisibilityDay #BiVisibilityMonth #Research
#research #bivisibilitymonth #bivisibilityday #bisexualresearchgroup #bisexualresearch #bisexuality #bisexual #biplus #activism #academics
RT @robynochs
Bi+Pride 2022 in #Hamburg, Germany. A good turnout, and even the rain could not stop folks from celebrating!
https://youtu.be/Cg6JSIovyWk via @YouTube
#BiVisibilityDay #BiVisibilityMonth
#hamburg #bivisibilityday #BiVisibilityMonth
RT @Vexed_Fluxation@twitter.com
Never not relevant, but more so today
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Vexed_Fluxation/status/1573302585251045376
RT @Vexed_Fluxation@twitter.com
Never not relevant, but more so today
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Vexed_Fluxation/status/1573302585251045376
RT @Vexed_Fluxation@twitter.com
Never not relevant, but more so today
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Vexed_Fluxation/status/1573302585251045376
Happy #caturday post #bivisibilityday
#twophotostoday #bivisibilityday #caturday
RT @robynochs
"Every time a #bisexual person makes their bi+ identity known, that is a form of activism." - Robyn Ochs
#BiVisibilityDay #BiVisibilityDay2022 #BiVisibilityMonth #BiWeek #BiWeek2022
#bisexual #bivisibilityday #BiVisibilityDay2022 #BiVisibilityMonth #biweek #BiWeek2022
RT @AceReadathon@twitter.com
For #BiVisibilityDay I’m sharing ace books with biromantic and bisexual main characters!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AceReadathon/status/1573346103613067264
RT @BRC_Central@twitter.com
Coming out is hard. It might not even be a one-time thing.
We come out to ourselves.
We come out to families & friends.
We come out to co-workers & health providers.
Wherever you are in your journey, know we see you and are here for you. #BiVisibilityDay https://biresource.org/coming-out-as-bi/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BRC_Central/status/1573356524222685186
It's bi visibility day, can you see this plushie?
#bivisibility #bivisibilityday #bisexualvisibilityday
#bisexualvisibilityday #bivisibilityday #bivisibility
RT @Vexed_Fluxation@twitter.com
Never not relevant, but more so today
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Vexed_Fluxation/status/1573302585251045376
"I found these centuries-old comics about people with 'super powers'. Did people really have those?"
"No, people have never had- Heh. Well, some did. People like us did."
"Like us? But we're nothing special, there's nothing unusual about us."
"In those days, we were invisible."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories #BiVisibilityDay
#microfiction #tootfic #smallstories #bivisibilityday
RT @GCNmag
Happy #BiVisibilityDay to all our wonderful Bi siblings 💖💜💙 Today is an occasion to celebrate and support the Bi community, fight biphobia and bi-erasure. Be proud and Be visible ✊
#BiVisibilityDay „Ich bin überzeugt, dass viel diskriminierendes Verhalten eher durch Unwissenheit zustande kommt als durch eine böse Absicht. Und die #queere Community erinnern wir daran: Das B in #LGBTQI+ ist nicht zur Deko da“
https://www.tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/queerspiegel/bi-visibility-day-in-berlin-das-b-in-lgbtqi-ist-nicht-nur-deko-8674921.html #Bisexuell #LSBTI
#bivisibilityday #queere #lgbtqi #bisexuell #LSBTI
Happy bi-visibility day lovelies! This kitty (/puppy?!!) wants to show her true colours 💗💜💙 (Also 💗💚💙)
Bone gag by @AllAboutGAG@twitter.com
Photo by @FidelioImages@twitter.com
#BiVisibilityDay #BiVisibilityDay2022 #BiVisibility #loveislove #puppygirl #puppyplay #petplay #gag #gagdrooling
#gagdrooling #gag #petplay #puppyplay #puppygirl #loveislove #bivisibility #BiVisibilityDay2022 #bivisibilityday
Also, it's #bivisibilityday and here I am thinking about getting new glasses.
RT @sonntagsflo@twitter.com
Heute ist #BiVisibilityDay! Bi- oder Pansexualität ist für manche "nicht schwul/lesbisch genug", für andere "nur eine Phase" oder "irgendwas dazwischen". Doch wir sind queer, wir sind laut und wir haben eine eigene sexuelle Identität! 🦄✊✨
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sonntagsflo/status/1573222219316367360
Happy #BiVisibilityDay to everyone in the #OpenStreetMap world celebrating
RT @lalonde@twitter.com
Happy #BiVisibilityDay to everyone in the #OpenStreetMap world celebrating
#bivisibilityday #OpenStreetMap
A warning to all my bisexual siblings.
It's #bivisibilityday . That means they can see us. It is not safe to rob banks today!