Latest podcast episodes published and of interest for business historians #bizhis
Featuring Joe Plasky, Cynthia Meyers, Alex Taylor, Chelsea Schields, Adam Tooze, Richard Langlois, Paula de la Cruz-Fernández, Andrea Silva Barragán, and Eugenia Roldán Vera.
#bizhis #podcasts #academic #business #history
📢 Exciting News! Join us for the 3rd annual Midyear Online Meeting of The Business History Conference (BHC) on Sep 29, 2023! Theme: "Doing Business History as Public History." Have a workshop suggestion? ✉️ BHC President Sharon Murphy or DM us with a one-paragraph description & convenors' names. Submissions by Aug 1 encouraged. Save the date! #bizhis #BHCMidyear2023
Fascinating review of recent work on the economics of state formation, Confucianism, human capital, Christian missionaries & long-term persistence studies by Zhiwu Chen & Chicheng Ma introduces important new Chinese econ history papers in Asia-Pacific Econ Hist Rev
@economics @econhist @devecon @ecosocio @organizationalecon @sociology @demography @politicalscience @geography @anthropology #China #history #histodons #quantitative #bizhis #persistence #state #fertility
#fertility #state #persistence #bizhis #quantitative #histodons #history #China
Informal networks facilitating trust & co-operation among merchant groups in Republican China point to the economic importance of informal institutions & cultural identity New open access article by Lingyu Kong, Cheng Cheng & Wenxiao Wang in Asia-Pacific Economic History Review @econhist @devecon @economics @networks @ecosocio @organizationalecon @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology #history #histodons #china #bizhis #BusinessHistory
#businesshistory #bizhis #China #histodons #history
Australians and their beer! New open access article in @apehr dissects the concentration of market power & changing spatial footprint of Victorian brewing 1870-1900, from Gavin Wood, Declan Martin & Liz Taylor. Importance of #railway #innovation #technology #regulation #scale #consumption #colonialism
@econhist @economics @sociology @politicalscience @geography @geodons @industrialorganization @transportecon #AustralianHistory #beer #history #histodons #bizhis #GIS
#gis #bizhis #histodons #history #beer #australianhistory #colonialism #consumption #scale #regulation #technology #innovation #railway
CFP: Asia-Pacific Economic & Business History Conference
University of Hawai‘I, Feb 17-18 2024
All topics welcome w particular interest in institutions & organizations.
Prof Zhiwu Chen will give the 2024 Noel Butlin Lecture
Proposals to by Sept 30
Graduate student support available
@economics @econhist @politicalscience @sociology @archaeodons #bizhis #history #histodons #institutions #hawaii #CFP #Asia #Pacific #Australia #NZ
#nz #Australia #pacific #asia #cfp #hawaii #institutions #histodons #history #bizhis
Amaury de Vicq & Christiaan van Bochove argue in the journal Social Science History that 18thC & 19thC ‘cosignatory lending’ enabled small-scale credit at low rates. This kind of credit intermediation allowed more people & small business to borrow in European & North American urban credit markets. Useful for low-income communities today.
@sociology @politicalscience @economics @econhist @anthropology #finance #credit #urban #Amsterdam #bizhis #history #histodons #equity
#equity #histodons #history #bizhis #amsterdam #urban #credit #finance
This is quite good - someone has looked at the business history of all the past winners of #TheApprentice and how long
Lord Sugar
invested in them. #bizhis #mgthis #mbh
#mbh #mgthis #bizhis #theapprentice
RT @TheBHCNews
Congratulations to @adamkfrost , winner of the Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History
Copenhagen Business School
RT @TheBHCNews
Congratulations to the co-winners of the Hagley Book Prize Hannah Farber and
Alejandro Gómez del Moral
Missing my #businesshistory crowd at the #BHC2023. Hope this year’s @TheBHCNews meeting in #Detroit is a blast! #bizhis
RT @TheBHCNews
We are, @TheBHCNews
An int'l organization devoted to encouraging #research, #writing, and #teaching about the environment in which businesses operate
📆#BHC2023 in Detroit, with a focus on "Reinvention."
@EntandSoc #bizhis #scholarly #networking #AcademicTwitter
#businesshistory #bhc2023 #detroit #bizhis #research #writing #teaching #scholarly #networking #academictwitter
“Studying economic history without looking into companies is basically like studying political history without looking at political parties. It just wouldn’t make sense.” - Kurt Jacobsen, @CBScph
#econhis #bizhis #agency #structure #process
Xiaomin Liu presents “Business on the Empire’s Periphery: Local Chambers and the Transformation of Manchuria (1892-1930)” on behalf of coauthors Nan Li & Zhaojin Zeng at the 2023 Asia-Pacific Econ His conference. Much discussion!
#Manchuria #China #history #histodons #economics #econtwitter #bizhis @econhist @devecon @ecosocio @economics
#bizhis #econtwitter #economics #histodons #history #China #manchuria #chambercommerce
Call for Papers – Uppsala Workshop in Financial and Business History 2023: “Environmental regulation and sustainable business”
Uppsala, Sweden, 9-10 June 2023 - DL for abstracts 15 March
Further information:
#business #sustainability #environmentalregulation #regulation #bizhis #businesshistory #histodon #histodons
#histodons #histodon #businesshistory #bizhis #regulation #environmentalregulation #sustainability #business
RT @BH__journal
Guest editors @MaijuWuokko
and @mskeynote
on the aims and the process of #SpecialIssue on #bizhis #power and #influence for @BH__journal
#influence #power #bizhis #specialissue
One month left for paper and session proposals! CFP for the 26th annual congress of the EBHA in Oslo, Norway, 24-26 August open until1 March. #bizhis #businesshistory #ebha #congress #oslo #histodon #histodons
#histodons #histodon #Oslo #Congress #ebha #businesshistory #bizhis
Join us! #BHC2023 Emerging scholars doing #bizhis we are waiting for you to connect with BHC #scholars before the big date in Detroit. Welcome!
Researching #business and #power #influence in a #historical perspective?
#SpecialIssue #CFP for Business History open through March 31!
Watch our invitation to contribute:
More info on the Special Issue here:
#histodons #histodon #businesshistory #bizhis #cfp #specialissue #historical #influence #power #business
Fellow business historians! The EBHA Congress in Oslo, Norway has NEW DATES: 24-26 August 2023
💠DL for paper and session proposals extended to 1 March 2023
💠There was an unexpected change of agreement with hotels for the original dates. But plenty of reasonably priced rooms available for August😀
Updated information on the conference website:
#businesshistory #bizhis #ebha #conference #congress #histodon #histodons
#histodons #histodon #Congress #conference #ebha #bizhis #businesshistory