Försöker förstå vad jag gör fel.

set_example = set(- 60, - 55, - 44, - 20, 4, 39, 60, 88)
servo.angle = random.sample(set_example, 1)

TypeError: set expected at most 1 arguments, got 8

#bizzarometer #konstnarsvardag

Last updated 1 year ago

Can't say who is the most tired of these two, but what I can say is that I made it home this morning on crowded bus with tourists from southern Sweden. And that today will be last day to finish up accountings. Should also apply for two more breadjobs.

All I want to do is set up code for fetching online data for the and get my cups in the kiln for glaze firing. And make bronze casting molds, prep glass for next week's work in glass studio in Borlänge...

#everydayartist #bizzarometer

Last updated 1 year ago

@martenbjorklund (men först ska den bli en en liten stund för att testa lite iot)


Last updated 1 year ago

Yay Friday!!

This may look like nothing to my you but for me this is a HUGE step towards what I am trying to make. I am super happy! 😄🌱

Now next time I will try to make an analogue dashboard for a showing false/odd stuff going on and posting images back to a website when people use it. You'll see.

All of this is still just test before making the climate data art works I have in mind. And the interactive pancakebot for people to draw and make my pancakes for breakfast!

#MastoArt #bizzarometer

Last updated 1 year ago

* * *

När man ser en 'pannkaksserver' bland mapparna så fattar man ju att det verkligen är min Raspi jag får kontakt med från telefonen! Lycka!

Nästa steg vore att begripa hur jag kodar från mobilen och hur jag då kunde köra/stoppa program härifrån. Thonny eller liknande plug in program vore toppen, men é finns liksom inte?


#bizzarometer #pancakebot #konstnarsvardag

Last updated 1 year ago

So, finding a 'pancake server' amongst the folders tells me I'm actually connecting to my Raspi from phone! Happy!

Now, next step would be understanding how to make code from the phone and run/stop them from there. Thonny or similar would be perfect, but where are them plugins?

#bizzarometer #everydayartist

Last updated 1 year ago

* * *

Samer kör ju med åtta årstider och nu är det vårvinter. Underbart med sol och skuggspel på snön och naturen håller ännu andan före full vår bara runt hörnet.

Jag har varit hem till ateljén men hann inte mycket mer än att hämta lite saker till :n som jag bygger.

Även rejält bekymrad över ekonomin. Det börjar bli riktigt omöjligt, fortfarande utan . Telefonen tyst.

#konstnarsvardag #brodjobb #bizzarometer

Last updated 1 year ago

As the Sami people recognise and use eight seasons; this is spring-winter. Lovely sun and shadows on the snow, narrow still holding the breath before full spring around the corner.

I've been home to my studio but could not do much but fetch some items for the I am building.

Also being troubled about economy. Things are getting really bad still without . Phone silent.

#everydayartist #breadjob #bizzarometer

Last updated 1 year ago

* * *

Jag tror det kommer bli en bra dag här i min ateljé, även om jag är tvungen att jobba med bokföring.

Jag kommer behöva ta många pauser och då planerar jag att:

- starta en skröjugn
- jobba litegrann på min
- möblera om och städa ateljén

Jag kommer rapportera vad som händer under dagen i denna tråd ⤵️

#konstnarsvardag #bizzarometer

Last updated 1 year ago

I think this will be a happy day in my studio, even though I'll have to do accounting all day.

But I will need to take breaks and for those I plan to:
- start a bisque kiln
- work just a little on my
- rearrange/clean up my studio

Reports will happen throughout the day in this thread ⤵️

#everydayartist #bizzarometer

Last updated 1 year ago

...and I managed to get this little thing up again! Had forgotten so much, but now I will need to get the fan back up working and then eventually do some iot-python coding and perhaps build a or such... 😁

But that's for another day. In the future. Now back to order.


Last updated 1 year ago