Are anti-conversion laws antithetical to the Constitution of India?
In recent years, a slew of anti-conversion laws have been passed in many states. They blur the line between forced conversions and the right to choose one’s religion, argues Raushan Tara Jaswal in this piece.
#AntiConversionLaws #conversions #constitution #ReligiousFreedom #article25 #InterfaithLove #HumanRights #PersonalFreedom #BJPStates #hindutva #india
#anticonversionlaws #conversions #constitution #religiousfreedom #Article25 #interfaithlove #humanrights #personalfreedom #bjpstates #hindutva #india
How India's Bulldozers Became a Vehicle of Injustice
In many BJP-governed states, especially in northern India, demolition drives have not only become a common tactic to quash Muslim dissent, but bulldozers have evolved as a Hindu-nationalist symbol. They feature during election victories, in parade floats in both India and abroad, on packets of chips, and in several Hindu nationalist anthems.
#BJP #bulldozers #demolitions #CollectivePunishment #CommunalViolence #muslims #islamophobia #HaryanaViolence #nuh #gurugram #BJPStates #hindutva #HinduNationalism #india
#BJP #Bulldozers #demolitions #collectivepunishment #communalviolence #muslims #islamophobia #haryanaviolence #nuh #Gurugram #bjpstates #hindutva #HinduNationalism #india