En Russie les hélicoptères « européens » d’Emercom sont cloués au sol. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/09/actu/en-russie-les-helicopteres-europeens-demercom-sont-cloues-au-sol — #russie #hélicoptèredesauvetage #bö105 #bk117 #h145 #sanctions #emercom #guerrerussieukraine #piècesdétachées
#russie #helicopteredesauvetage #bo105 #bk117 #h145 #sanctions #emercom #guerrerussieukraine #piecesdetachees
Bk117 for MSFS Community Project needs help: https://www.helisimmer.com/news/bk117-msfs-community-project-help
#flightsim #msfs #MSFS2020 #bk117
The #EC145 is a development of the #BK117 and In the picture, that's easy to see, especially by the configuration of the tail.
Later versions of this #helicopter, later on renamed to #H145, have a #fenestron (a ducted tail rotor), as this video from #ILA #Berlin #AirShow 2014 shows:
#ec145 #bk117 #helicopter #H145 #fenestron #ila #berlin #airshow