For those who are unaware, right now the attack on General Computing we mentioned above is from , but are also known to have spent billions on software also, "for businesses", they say.

Thankfully the 'User-Activated Antitrust Law' above has us covered, and blocks both .

It also blocks , Microsoft, FacebookCorporation, 's digital assets, Akamai, , Tencent and Alibaba — fully too!

#google #cloudflare #remotewebbrowser #blackHats #amazon #twitterBuyer #oracle #foss

Last updated 1 year ago


Unintelligable, defeatist and defeatist.

We prefer to help solutions to the problems, solutions that and seem ready, at the first opportunity, to take from us.

#blackHats #badActors

Last updated 2 years ago

Ashwin Dixit · @ashwin
92 followers · 219 posts · Server

remove money from banks. remove money from the Universe. We're not the same.

#blackHats #redhats #joke #hacker #communist #Revolution

Last updated 2 years ago

For the record, these banking crimes are just more . They gaslight us into thinking its only a computer glitch, (), or just this one bank, or fighting some broader threat.

No. Its and being taken over by , power-thirsty . The nature of is such that you don't know its happening under your nose.

As such we cannot lament banks dying.

If they allowed bitcoin to fix this, things would be so improved.

#proxywar #computerSaysNo #TheInternet #institutions #sociopathic #blackHats #silentwar

Last updated 2 years ago

If everyone in and was an unencumbered , wouldn't have existed beyond 2017, possibly sooner.

It's clear that exist in the space.

How can we expect blackHats to gain knowledge on whiteHats and to inhibit them? Universities? MSGitHub? ? CloudFlare'd services?

Our thinking is 'all of the above', but the most effective tools hide in plain sight — and .

Use them at your eventual peril.

#gnulinux #foss #whitehat #microsoft #blackHats #freedomsoftware #linkedin #mslinkedin #MSGithub #deanonymisation

Last updated 2 years ago

> "The one thing I recognised was there are no and there are no ; they all conduct themselves exact same. And very good evidence of that is that the would hire two so-called men and to assassinate . You're not supposed to have anything to do with each other! But in essence the remark is really they're all in bed together — they all do business together."

~ . Excerpt from 'JFK to 911' (2014) 3h27m55s

#blackHats #whitehats #cia #mafia #samgiancana #johnroselli #fidelcastro #judithexner #documentary

Last updated 2 years ago


Alex promptly called back to object and was "put to Customer Support".

A "man said a Karina (no surname given) led the Privacy Team… actually the Feedback Team I'm told. They said my number is not in the system, but when I said the SMS implies it is (…) he was at a loss. I did say that I would be forced to report the incident to the ."

How a CloudFlare client, now using facial recognition, operates.

#accc #blackHats #wesfarmers #privateequity #abuse #phishing #privacy #masssurveillance

Last updated 2 years ago


Mandy called back to object and was "put to Customer Support".

A "man said a Karina (no surname given) [led] the Privacy Team… actually the Feedback Team I'm told. They said my number is not in the system, but when I said the SMS implies it is (…) he was at a loss. I did say that I would be forced to report the incident to the ."

How a CloudFlare client, now using facial recognition, operates.

#accc #blackHats #wesfarmers #privateequity #abuse #phishing #privacy #masssurveillance

Last updated 2 years ago

Just double checking to see if @Gargron really blocked us for wanting action against stealing Mastodon software.

@emergeheart @sadiedoreen @KK0000000000 @lohang @atomicpoet @BillySmith



Last updated 2 years ago

For those who proclaim to be against , one would think they wouldn't blink twice to support this motion to have taken down.

Violating the AGPLv3 license is bad enough of course. The community became ablaze when Trump did it.

What can we learn by these same people to a memeCoin orientated instance?


#cryptocurrency #HellaDoge #foss #turningABlindEye #bitcoin #distraction #coopted #antiCrypto #antiBitcoin #blackHats #antiCryptocurrency

Last updated 2 years ago

...there is this problem. Although thanks to and leakers, we do feel like it is being addressed to some extent and /#vendors/#softwareEngineers are becoming wise to it, none want to be exposed as the next victim of so-called .

They can't put their tentacles everywhere also.

If you have a good and this can also help to smooth any major bumps in the road re .

#whistleblowers #manufacturers #intelligenceAgencies #supportBase #LocalCommunity #blackHats

Last updated 4 years ago


Thanks for the tipoff.

appear to aggressively recruit , people onto services they host, who can fall prey to efforts. This method of finding a is even more efficient than those of and other syndicates like the in the past century, due to the of the internet, the have a blank page on which to .

They mix with to start the process.


#Cloucflare #young #malliable #radicalisation #patsy #mafia #organisedCrime #cia #anonymity #blackHats #manufactureConsent #humour #disinfo #radicalising

Last updated 5 years ago