@laparadadelcine Yo viéndole hacer de general Melchett en #BlackAdder de #RowanAtkinson (#MrBean) me descojono vivo. Y fue pareja artística bastante tiempo de #HughLaurie, el de #House (otro con el que te deshuevas en su vertiente británico-comediera).
#house #hughlaurie #MrBean #rowanatkinson #blackadder
I made this a while ago 😹
I don't know if all know Blackadder, but well, there it is.
#Blackadder #cunningplan #musk #elonmusk
#elonmusk #musk #cunningplan #blackadder
Tonight we open with a #Chilliteratea chat to introduce the week, followed by a #TalkingOverTheGames where we're playing something different: #Astrologaster from #Nyamyam which is an excellent, #Blackadder-esque comedy. Head on over to find out more!
#chilliteratea #talkingoverthegames #astrologaster #nyamyam #blackadder
I watched #Blackadder so much when I was a kid that now watching #GoodOmens2, I'm like "Oooh it's Queenie!" when Shax is on...
Why was the Blackadder pilot better than the actual first series? Blackadder seemed like a different character in the first series but he’s back to being similar to the pilot in the second series #blackadder #bllackadderlostpilot
#blackadder #bllackadderlostpilot
40 years ago today:
S1E2: Born to Be King
With his father away at the Crusades, Edmund comes up with a plan to prove his brother is illegitimate, thus making him Prince Regent.
Airdate: 1983-06-22
#Blackadder #RowanAtkinson #TonyRobinson #BBCOne #tvseries
#blackadder #rowanatkinson #tonyrobinson #bbcone #tvseries
40 years ago last week, the British comedy Blackadder (1983-1989) premiered. #80s #80sTV #Blackadder #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #blackadder #80stv #80s
Rewatching childhood favourite #Blackadder, forty years after it started... is it still as good as it was?
Rewatching childhood favourite #Blackadder, forty years after it started... is it still as good as it was?
The previously unseen pilot episode of #Blackadder is on GOLD channel tonight at 9pm.
#comedy #television #blackadder
Once in every Lifetime
Comes a Love Like This...
#RIPRIK 9 Years ago today
#RikMayall #YoungOnes #AlanBstard #Blackadder #MJLND #BadNews #KevinTurvey #LordFlashheart
Tees by Sillytees http://bit.ly/3pKv1e1
#riprik #rikmayall #youngones #alanbstard #blackadder #mjlnd #badnews #kevinturvey #lordflashheart
Thank you, Baldrick, for the all the cunning plans.
#HashtagGames #blackadder #thankafictionalcharacter
Thank you, Baldrick, for the all the cunning plans.
#HashtagGames #blackadder #thankafictionalcharacter
Thank you, Baldrick, for the cunning plans.
#blackadder #thankafictionalcharacter
War's a horrid thing.
Baldrick knew.
#DDay #Blackadder
Tees by Sillytees bit.ly/3sSGUNS
Crikey! That little squirt of a Prime Minister is a complete Arse Head! And WHAT A PAIR OF SHORT TROUSERS!!! Didn’t they have any which fit?
#Blackadder. #PrinceGeorge
Tees from Sillytees bit.ly/3LWyZsj
This is how (ideally) the Brits do free-speech debates:
I won't post a Tucker Carlson or Steve Bannon one to compare it to, that would ruin the pleasure.
#UK #British #Comedy #Debate #Posh #People #Politics #FreeSpeech #FirstAmendment #Rights #ReformSection5 #RowanAtkinson #BlackAdder
#blackadder #rowanatkinson #reformsection5 #rights #firstamendment #FreeSpeech #Politics #people #posh #Debate #comedy #british #UK
I was a big fan of the show #BlackAdder but I never realized Rowan Atkinson OBE actually has multiple degrees in Electrical Engineering. As an #auto enthusiast he was an early adopter of #EV but has come to believe that it is only one of the many solutions we need to explore including solid state batteries, synthetic fuels, longer term leasing and hydrogen fuel.
I just watched Blackadder 1x04 "The Queen of Spain's Beard" https://trakt.tv/shows/blackadder/seasons/1/episodes/4 #Blackadder #trakt
I just watched Blackadder 1x03 "The Archbishop" https://trakt.tv/shows/blackadder/seasons/1/episodes/3 #Blackadder #trakt