Camille lives at Praxis Now · @camille
351 followers · 64 posts · Server

Black Anarchist Futures
Ashanti Alston and William C. Anderson discuss the future directions for Black anarchism and its role in the movement for Black liberation.

#blackanarchism #anarchism #socialecology

Last updated 1 year ago

Camille lives at Praxis Now · @camille
351 followers · 63 posts · Server

Black Anarchist Legacies
Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin, JoNina Abron-Ervin, and Modibo Kadalie reflect on their personal histories in the Black Power movement, and how their experiences in hierarchical revolutionary organizations - such as the Black Panther Party and the League of Revolutionary Black Workers - led them to anarchist/anti-authoritarian politics. Facilitated by William C. Anderson.

#socialecology #blackanarchism #anarchism

Last updated 1 year ago

Czarna Rewolta · @czarnarewolta
71 followers · 236 posts · Server

I recently got published in The Anarchist Review of Books!

Check out my reflections on William C Anderson’s “The Nation On No Map” alongside thoughts by other Black, anti-authoritarian thinkers.

Very thrilled to work with AROB. Special thanks to the crew behind this project. It was exciting to open up a box of prints that even came along with a cute, surprise tote bag!

Visit The Anarchist Review of Books to read the full issue! They send free copies to comrades inside, so support them if you can!

#blackanarchism #anarchism #BlackLiberation #MutualAid #solidarity #books #bookreview #Literature #cats #cat #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi

Last updated 2 years ago

Archilochus · @Archilochus
36 followers · 203 posts · Server

This is a short, interesting book on Black Anarchism. I've worked with Atticus a bit in a Chicago area activist organization.

#blackanarchism #anarchism

Last updated 2 years ago

foxtheft · @foxtheft
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foxtheft · @foxtheft
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foxtheft · @foxtheft
110 followers · 3985 posts · Server
foxtheft · @foxtheft
87 followers · 3190 posts · Server
Scott Campbell · @susurros
278 followers · 313 posts · Server

AK Press has made the following ebooks available for free for the time being:

- "The Nation on No Map: Black Anarchism and Abolition" by William C. Anderson

- "As Black as Resistance: Finding the Conditions for Liberation" by Zoé Samudzi and William C. Anderson

- "Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America" by Kristian Williams

@bookstodon @abolition

#Abolition #ftp #acab #anarchism #books #reading #bookstodon #blackanarchism

Last updated 2 years ago

foxtheft · @foxtheft
72 followers · 1062 posts · Server
foxtheft · @foxtheft
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foxtheft · @foxtheft
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A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
372 followers · 1291 posts · Server

Radicals in Conversation #49: Black Anarchism Across the Generations

The Black Autonomy Podcast is a series of discussions on anarchism and the relevance of its revolutionary ideals to the ongoing Black Liberation Movement

Lorenzo & JoNina Ervin speak on B.A.F. the prison system, & Lorenzo's book "The Anarchism & The Black Revolution..The Idea Of Black Autonomy".

#BlackMastodon #anarchism #blackanarchism

Last updated 2 years ago

Linda Quiquivix · @quiqui
19 followers · 24 posts · Server

Portrait of Ashanti Alston speaking at AK Press. Check out his talk online: “Ashanti Alston on the Black Panthers and Zapatistas”. Find the transcript and this artwork in the first issue of “Grietas: A Journal of Zapatista Thought and Horizons: Autonomy from Below and the the Left in the U.S.”, which you can now order from or your fave Indy bookstore

#ashantialston #blackanarchism #blackpantherparty #bpp #BlackLiberationArmy #bla #ezln #zapatistas #Art #charcoal #charcoalart

Last updated 2 years ago

Czarna Rewolta · @czarnarewolta
23 followers · 36 posts · Server

William Anderson's great advice: read Black anarchist and former Black Panther Party member Lorenzo Komboa Ervin on the differences between rebellion, insurrection, and revolution:

"The importance of recognizing the true differences of each level can define our strategy and tactics at that stage, and not lead us prematurely into a full offensive, when the enemy is not yet weakened enough by mass action or political attacks."

from Anarchism and the Black Revolution, which can be read online here:


Last updated 2 years ago

Czarna Rewolta · @czarnarewolta
20 followers · 24 posts · Server
🌧 · @rainrainrain
109 followers · 1064 posts · Server

Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin speaks in various recordings in this video over ambient peaceful percussion and string instruments.


If you're going to beat back racism, the feds are not going to help you do it. And the civil rights laws in this country are not functional. They are not functional. And they are not meant to be functional. They've been functional in terms of creating a black middle class in this country. But they are not functional when it comes to beating back white supremacy, violent white racism. They are not functional for that. That requires a mass movement.

The climate is beset. With the economic inequality. The increase of that. With the building of prisons. With the limitless acts of police terrorism. All of these things are being allowed to happen by those in authority. It's really important to understand that. That's why we can't get fooled by this thing about the good cops. The good cops. Well, the good cops are the ones letting the so-called bad cops do the dirt.

The conditions for this kind of terrorism and this racism is not an accident. It's not a result of someones bad thinking. Or some ideas some white folks had. it's not a question of that. This government is the criminal that allows this to go on. We are not geting reforms. We are not going to get the kind of reforms that is going to deal with racism in this system. This government needs to be toppled, dismantled and destroyed.

If you look at this just in terms of the color of somebody's skin alone. And not attach an understanding to that about the nature of the state and of capital. And how they use race as a divider and class as a divider and rule over all of us with an iron fist. Unless you do this you will turn and attack the wrong folks. You will think the state is on your side or the state is impartial. The government isn't impartial.

And my understanding of government and state has nothing to do with protecting a so called lifestyle. I'm not trying to protect my lifestyle. I'm trying to protect my damn life. And that's a big difference because the state is the biggest killer, biggest oppressor, of all.

I mean throughout history, with wars and pogroms and mass murders of one sort or another. You can just point to it, at any point in history and you can see where these killers have perpetrated their acts of violence.

When you've got that many people that are in prison. The state has declared war on the youth. You have to understand that. The state has declared war on the youth, and especially, the Black youth.

And to them it's a national security matter. Because they know that the youth can rise up. And if they were politically motivated, overthrow this system. they know this because they had the experience of the Black Panther Party of The 1960's.

And regardless of whatever errors the Black Panther Party made, it proved decisively that the most despised sector, the working class, and specifically the Black working class, they have figured out that the most despised sector is capable of revolution. Of becoming a motive force for revolution.

Malcom X said if you want action, you gotta wake the people up. And I would say you not only need to wake the people up. You gotta get over there and help them mobilize and build autonomous formations in their communities.


#LorenzoKomboaErvin #anarchism #BlackRevolution #BlackRevolutionary #BlackAnarchists #blackanarchism #BlackAutonomyFederation #WarOnYouth #classwar #youthliberation #blackpower #blacklivesmatter #anarchy #anarchist #abolition #abolitionist #abolish #smashthestate

Last updated 2 years ago